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How to add a new idea

Thank you for contributing to this study by adding your idea.

To add a new idea, click on the ‘ADD A NEW IDEA’ button on the discussion page. You will be re-directed to a new page where you can write and submit a new idea.  

Please provide a title for your idea.

You will then have the opportunity to describe your idea addressing the following five questions:

  • Please describe your idea, including the needs of older people and the opportunities it addresses.
  • How can your idea create new jobs and businesses?
  • What are the current barriers in implementing your idea?
  • Do you have examples where your idea is already used or how it could be used in practice?
  • How could policy makers help to scale-up your idea across Europe?

As part of your description, please provide details on how information and communication technologies (ICT) could eventually enable your idea. Please answer as many questions as you can, as this will help to structure all ideas in a similar manner. Of course you can submit an idea without answering all five question, as long as you answer the first one and provide a title.

Finally, you will be asked to select a sector category that fits closest to your idea.

We would prefer to receive your ideas in English, but if you feel more comfortable submitting them in another language, then please do so.