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Dear participant of the discussion on the EUSDR,
we thank you very much for your willingness to take part. Your contributions will help us to make better recommendations on how the EU Strategy for the Danube Region can be better brought to life.
Below you can find a series of statements which came out of focus groups (moderator-led discussions) with representatives from all the countries of the Danube Region. We would like to ask you to vote on the statements by clicking on the respective icons on the right of the statements. We would be especially happy if you could also comment on the statements or make further suggestion. Besides you, we invited a series of other experts. We hope that from your comments and those from the other participants a lively discussion will arise.
The statements below refer mainly to the catching-up countries of the Danube Region which are basically the non-German speaking countries. Thus, if you encounter terms like “the countries” or “the eastern countries” then this refers to the non-German speaking area of the Danube Region.
The statements are summarised in five broad sections. The first relates to the problems with project identification and implementation. In the second criteria for projects are mentioned and the third covers comments on the EUSDR in general. Then we also have extracted thematic fields and concrete projects from the focus group (Section 4 and 5).
You will note that the statements are not necessarily consistent. This is intended in order to present the different views for the specific topic.
More information about the project can be found here. The final report is available here.
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- Development of a guarantee-system in order to support risky investments
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- Not just only manufacturing should be considered but also the non-profit sector, the social service sector, or the IT-sector.
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- It is necessary to have strong domestic players for motivational reasons. A strong domestic player would signal that the countries are able to do something themselves and not reliant on foreign countries in all respects. Likewise, for increasing the number of start-ups good examples (= successful young firms) are needed.
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- One strategy for the development of the countries would be to attract big foreign direct investments and develop the corresponding supplier structure in the country.
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- Besides improving the conditions for companies it is very important that the attractiveness of the countries for high-skilled labour is improved. People must want to stay in the countries because it is attractive to live there.
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- Moving up the value chains is key for the development of the countries. Projects therefore should be designed to enable companies to produce higher level products.
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3 Remarks on the EUSDR
- Very broad European strategies are not very successful in general. In particular strategies for south-east Europe have not been very successful. A clear focus of a strategy is needed. It depends on the concrete projects. And the projects must be carried out not only talked about.
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- The Danube Strategy needs a narrative, i.e. a story which conveys the idea of the EUSDR and which inspires the (potential) participants.
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- The development of a country depends on how connected it is. The connections are made by people. So, it is not that relevant that there is a political strategy but that there are people who build the relevant networks.
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Reasons for this are:
- There is no special fund for the Danube Region. Missing funds prevent that incentives can be set and sanctions can be applied.
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- There are no dedicated/charismatic people at the top who lead the strategy.
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- The regulatory framework for the Danube Strategy is insufficient.
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- The Danube Strategy is not very well defined. It is difficult even for business associations to identify projects for the Danube Strategy.
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