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BEREC Public Consultation on Internet of Things Indicators
BEREC Public Consultation on Internet of Things Indicators (BoR (18) 230)
0 days left (ends 23 Jan)
BEREC Public Consultation on Internet of Things Indicators (BoR (18) 230)
BEREC has prepared this call for input with the aim of getting insights from all types of actors (consumers, companies in the telecommunications sector, digital companies, other companies, institutions) on issues to be taken into account by NRAs in the context of BEREC’s approach to monitoring and collecting statistical information on the IoT.
The public consultation will run from 12 December 2018 to 23 January 2019, 17:00 CET.
Enquiries about the consultation, including registration problems with the online platform should be sent to the following email address: BEREC_
Further info
Stakeholder questions
Stakeholder questions
General questions on the importance of IoT indicators for BEREC
1) Why is it important for BEREC to have a common approach with respect to Internet of Things data collection and benchmarking? Please provide your answer in the space below.
2) What statistical indicators on the Internet of Things are important for BEREC to collect data on? Please provide your answer in the space below.
3) Why are these indicators important and why does BEREC need data on such indicators? Please provide your answer in the space below.
Specific questions on spectrum, numbering resources and public security with respect to IoT
4) Is your NRA responsible for the allocation of spectrum? Please provide your answer in the space below.
5) What effects on spectrum policy do you expect the development of the Internet of Things to have, and do you think it’s necessary for NRAs/BEREC to monitor these development? Please provide your answer in the space below.
6) Is your NRA responsible for the allocation of other scarce resources (e.g. phone numbers, IMSIs)? Please provide your answer in the space below.
7) With regard to the expected growth in the use of Internet of Things devices, do you see the necessity for NRAs/BEREC to monitor these developments? Please provide your answer in the space below.
8) Do you see the need to monitor which national numbers for Internet of Things devices are used outside your territory (and vice-versa, which numbers assigned in other countries are used in your territory)? Please provide your answer in the space below.
9) For which authorities is this relevant (i.e. is it relevant for NRAs and/or for other national authorities, e.g. authorities responsible for public security or criminal enforcement)? Please provide your answer in the space below.
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