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Together with the call for contributions to the public consultation on the draft BEREC WP 2020, a first call for input to the review of the BEREC Strategy was launched on 7 November 2019. After considering the input received from respondents the 42nd BEREC Plenary meeting approved the Draft BEREC Strategy 2021-25 for public consultation.
This latest update of BEREC’s strategy covers a period of five instead of three years, namely 2021-2025. This extended period enables better alignment with the legislative cycle of the European Commission, and the objectives and new priorities set out by President von der Leyen for the period of 2019 -2024. At the same time, the structure of the BEREC strategy is being kept so as to follow the strategic high-level priorities around connectivity, digital issues and end-users. To ensure that the BEREC strategy remains relevant and aligned with future developments, BEREC will revisit its strategic priorities over the course of the period.
The stakeholders are invited to express their views on the draft strategy 2021-25.
This early call for input is the first stage of the consultation process for the WP 2021. BEREC will consult again on its draft WP 2021 after the third BEREC Plenary of 2020 (1-2 October 2020).
Interested parties are kindly asked to send their contributions for both the BEREC Strategy 2021-25 and their early input for the BEREC WP 2021 no later than 13 April 2020 (17:00 CET) to the address or provide it here through the BEREC online consultation platform.
Further info
P33 - Strategic priority 1: Again, how does making "fibre backhaul necessary" reconcile with abovementioned statements in the document? How does it respect technology neutrality? BEREC should rather stimulate / lower the barriers of use of all available technologies for backhaul, be it wireless, satellite or wireline.
P18 - "bridging the digital divide": Digital divide is an issue that does not depend on 5G super performances but on the actual deployment of affordable and robust broadband connectivity solutions to everyone, everywhere. BEREC could make it clear to the EU Commission and invite all stakeholders to contribute to overcoming the digital chasm, without waiting for 5G to be available everywhere.
P17 - "dependence of fibre backhaul": How does this statement reconcile with abovementioned statements on "integration of different networks and technologies" or "cloud of solutions"? Without denying the high value of fibre, it is very surprising to imagine that all new wireless technologies depend, or will ever depend, on fibre backhaul - hopefully, it is not necessary!
P15 - "available resources at the edge of the network": This concept of 'edge' is getting more essential than ever with 5G, as quality of service (or, rather, "quality of experience") will increasingly rely on storage and computing of content at the edge of networks. Hence the flexibility and agility of network resources are getting as important as pure throughput speed.
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According to Article35 of the BEREC Regulation, BEREC and the BEREC Office may cooperate with competent Union bodies, offices, agencies and advisory groups. As part of the multi-annual work programme, the Board of Regulators shall adopt BEREC’s strategy for relations with those institutions. This document provides an overview of BEREC’s priorities regarding institutional cooperation, with a focus on connectivity/5G and platform regulation.
A working arrangement between the Radio Spectrum Policy Group (RSPG) and BEREC on 5G roll-out was already established in 2019 with the intention of collaborating on implementation of Article35 EECC, the peer review forum. BEREC will continue to play a supporting role regarding 5G and cybersecurity, and closely cooperate with the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) by contributing to the implementation of the toolbox.
As discussions on platform regulation and the Digital Services Act progress, BEREC will engage with co-legislators and share its technical experiences of telecoms regulation. Other regulatory networks have complementary expertise, and BEREC will investigate ways to exchange views about practical issues of platform regulation. BEREC has already established ties with the European Data Protection Board (EDPB), but it might be meaningful to exchange with other regulatory bodies and networks such as the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS), the European Competition Network (ECN) and the European Regulators Group for Audio-visual Media Services (ERGA).
In addition to carrying out its advisory duty for all EU institutions, BEREC will furthermore look into ways of collaboration and exchange with other European regulatory cooperation platforms and bodies operating both in adjacent and different economic sectors. These include the ERGP (on e-commerce, cross-border parcel delivery regulation), Eurostat (definition of indicators for data collection), the ESA (European Space Agency) and the EEA (European Environment Agency).
The increasing volume of electronic communications between the EU and the rest of the world shows the global nature of such services and means that policies, legislation and regulation must be seen from a more global perspective. BEREC benefits from the cooperation with NRAs and with international regulator networks, policymakers and institutions involved in communications matters based beyond the EU.
This cooperation allows exchange on cross-border and common issues as well as closely following global trends in technology and changing business models. This enables BEREC to retain its capacity to swiftly and effectively meet challenges. Moreover, regions beyond the EU and non-EU regulators networks have been expressing great interest in the European regulatory approach.
In 2018, the EC initiative Policy and Regulatory Initiative for Digital Africa (PRIDA) was launched to enable legal and regulatory framework development across Africa. BEREC has acknowledged this initiative in its work programmes and has committed itself to supporting this project. BEREC has also contributed technical support to the implementation of the Western Balkans regional roaming agreement following the request of the EC.
BEREC will continue to support capacity building efforts in the field or telecoms regulation, in particular the promotion of connectivity, economic analysis, access regulation, regulatory processes and consumer empowerment. Priorities will be support for regional bodies EaPeReg, EMERG and Regulatel and the ITU’s General Symposium for Regulators, support for relevant Commission initiatives, and exchanges of views with other MoU partners, the OECD and development banks funding telecom projects.
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