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Potentials of the European Silver Economy

Starting: 01 Apr Ending

0 days left (ends 30 Mar)

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We have successfully closed the first project phase of “Potentials of the European Silver Economy” with 95 ideas, 698 participants, 119 comments and 273 votes. We'd like to thank all participants for taking the time and contributing to our online ideation!

In a next step we validated these results with participants. These results are archived here. Please also visit our project website.

If you have any questions or feedback, please contact the Silver Economy study team at: silver-economy(at)technopolis-group.com





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Author: DITG Date: 05 October 2016

TeLiPro provides data-based telemedical support for chronically ill people with lifestyle adaption, medication and increased self-sufficiency both in everyday life and with disease management. The support consists of regular telephone calls with a personal health coach, structured self-measurement of relevant parameters (e.g. blood glucose, blood pressure, physical activity, medication administered etc.), know-how transfer and motivational support. The program follows a specific schedule – e.g. concerning content and rhythm of conversations – but are highly personalized regarding the specific life and lifestyle of the program participant (family life, likes and dislikes, health problems and physical limitations, personality type etc.).

Many elderly people suffer from later-stage chronic diseases or multiple chronic diseases and co-morbidities which often exclude them from other health management or lifestyle change programs available on the market. Thanks to the integration of expert medical knowledge and our own online platform, specifically designed for these programs, we are uniquely qualified to assist their treatment.

The content of our program is specifically designed for the elderly: the motivational, nutrition and exercise modules are adapted to the daily life and physical and mental abilities of older people in general and each program participant in particular. By catering to the special needs of the elderly, TeLiPro is uniquely able to offer a service that the rest of the lifestyle change sector ignores. TeLiPro is thus able to provide solutions to the particular challenges that this population poses.

90% of the health and lifestyle change market is focused on self-management, inherent motivation and self-tracking technology. This markets toward a young, technology-savvy and highly motivated demographic. In Germany, 50% of the elderly have no internet access or smartphones. We are specialized in lifestyle change for the elderly and have built a plug&play solution that enables automatic data transfer. The technology we use enables the support of people who do not have home internet or a smartphone and are not technologically capable. The technology thus only acts in the background – the main actor that leads the program participant through the program is the personal health coach. The program participant does not need to independently keep up the motivation to use the technology, as is normally the case.

Since chronic diseases disproportionately burden the elderly, it is important to note the technology that we use – phone calls, which are familiar to the elderly, as well as easy to understand and easy to use self-measurement devices – is suitable to that demographic. Further, TeLiPro includes the option to have a “mentor” or a “buddy” – a family member or a neighbor – who not only holds the patient responsible but can also assist in the case of any arising technological issues. All stakeholders – including the attending physicians and, where desired, family members or friends – are connected via one central technology.

TeLiPro brings the elderly demographic into the focus and offers the patient improved quality of life, increased lifespan and the ability to recover some of the independence that chronic diseases claim through our intentionally age-appropriate set-up. From an economic perspective, TeLiPro allows for huge savings in healthcare spending – through the prevention and/or telemedical substitution of doctor and hospital visits, medication, co-morbidities and care. 

How could policy makers help to scale-up your idea across Europe? (optional)
This business idea does not replace the attending physicians, but rather assists them. We employ medical experts and nurses specially trained in telephone support. The business model allows nurses to offer their services independently thanks to the use of our technology and set-up, thereby fostering small-scale entrepreneurship.
Do you have examples where your idea is already used or how it could be used in practice? Please also share links to further information if possible. (optional)
The healthcare sector and reimbursement landscape in Germany is extremely fragmented and complicated.
What are the current barriers in implementing your idea? (optional)
TeLiPro was developed in a clinical environment and has been implemented in the market since 2013, with various foci – newly diagnosed type 2 diabetics, very far progressed type 2 diabetics, migrants with diabetes and language barriers, obese employees, and in the near future also type 1 diabetics and COPD patients. So far, the successes have been significant. A clinical study showed that elderly TeLiPro participants with an average type 2 diabetes disease duration of 11 years improved multiple parameters: HbA1c decrease of 1.1%, weight loss of 6.1 kg, 49% reduction of daily insulin needs (all figures are averages). (Source: Kempf, K., Altpeter, B., Berger, J., Reuss, O., Fuchs, M., Schneider, M., Gaertner, M., Niedermeier, K., Martin, S. (2016). ‘Das telemedizinische Lebensstilinterventionsprogramm TeLiPro bei fortgeschrittenem Typ 2 Diabetes mellitus – eine randomisiert-kontrollierte Studie, Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel, 11, p. 45) For more publications and participant experience reports click here: http://ditg.de/en/publications-science Our significant experience with type 2 diabetics translates into experience with elderly chronic patients, as ca. 50% of type 2 diabetics are above the age of 65.
How can your idea create new jobs and businesses? (optional)
Favoring and incentivizing prevention over treatment, supporting the aggregation of medical data in safe and comprehensive databases, supporting collaboration between different stakeholders. Entrepreneurial nurses need to be incentivized by governments to take part in the TeLiPro business model through the facilitation of reimbursement.
Category: Health & Care
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Author: Ibimon Date: 05 October 2016

Ageing is one of the greatest social and economic challenges of the 21st century for European societies. AHA (Active and Healthy Ageing) is 25% accessibility and 75% e-health and healthcare/care. European care and healthcare systems will need to be re-structured to be able to assure sustainable, effective and patient/user centered care and healthcare services. e-health (including m-health, telecare, etc.) will take a leading role, and will need to be supported by the semantic interoperability between the different health, care and healthcare stakeholders. This will also be enabled by basic issues such as the Electronic Health Record.

Technical interoperability between the different devices/platforms involved also plays a strategical role. CEN – the European Committee for Standardization and CENELEC- the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization - thanks to their network of national members, have the capacity to engage the relevant stakeholders at National and European level, and to lead the relevant harmonization work.

The importance of creating accessible or ‘age friendly environment’ to enable people to live an independent life for as long as possible was also recognized at European policy level. Active and Healthy Ageing also offers Europe an opportunity to establish itself as a leader capable of providing innovative and suitable solutions, answering the needs of the ageing population. By addressing this new market, European Standardization is taking important steps to support industries and organizations towards a ‘Silver economy era’.  Accessibility is one of its essential components where correlated Standards are  powerful tools to make products and services accessible to as many consumers as possible, regardless of their age and special needs.

CEN and CENELEC are developing a standard that describes how the goods manufacturing industry as well as public and private services can consider accessibility following a Design for All approach so as to meet the needs of the widest range of users, including older persons (Mandate M/473); a standard for functional requirements for accessibility in the build environment (M/420) and a standard for eAccessibility. The publication of EN 301 549 on ICT accessibility is also reinforcing and supporting the empowerment of older people in our digital society. Furthermore CEN Technical Committees are also working on ‘Assistive products for persons with disability’ , Service Chain for Social Care Alarms’, ‘Quality of care for older people, ‘Health informatics’, Ergonomics’.

How could policy makers help to scale-up your idea across Europe? (optional)
Standardization in support of the ‘silver economy’ will foster the development of new technologies to accommodate the ageing community, strengthen the international collaboration and identify key business opportunities in fields covering the needs of elderly persons. Creating customized services and technologies for the use of the ageing society will soon be necessary. This is an opportunity not to be missed by the European industry. This new economic and industrial sector will greatly promote growth and jobs in the coming years.
Do you have examples where your idea is already used or how it could be used in practice? Please also share links to further information if possible. (optional)
Due to the complexity and cross-sectorial nature of AHA issues, new approaches need to be put in place. CEN and CENELEC are aware of the need of a horizontal coordination of AHA work in order to assure the effectiveness and scalability needed to foster AHA innovation. The need to ensure European coordination in the AHA –and as well globally-is quite relevant.
What are the current barriers in implementing your idea? (optional)
CEN Technical Specification on sheltered housing schemes (CEN/TS 16118: 2012) for example is intended to make the services offered in sheltered housing (combination of housing and sheltering) transparent for older people as well as for service providers. It defines minimum quality requirements regarding basic and optional services to be offered, staffing level, contracts, quality assurance and some housing standards, for example concerning common facilities and dwellings.
How can your idea create new jobs and businesses? (optional)
A number of accessibility standards that are relevant for older people are under development at European level following standardization requests by the European Commission. This could be helpful in view of the future implementation of legislation (European Accessibility Act). Initiatives like the EIP on AHA are pivotal to bring together relevant stakeholders - and standardization bodies - to implement collaborative solutions in AHA and develop strategic roadmaps for scaling up innovative solutions benefitting the ageing population. Also the EC Rolling Plan on ICT standardization highlights the development and improvement of e-health standards as a powerful tool to foster the digital innovation of the healthcare and care sector.
Category: Other
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Author: noa_hadas@hotmail.com Date: 05 October 2016

In the past few years there has been a change in the policy of the use of Medical Cannabis in many nations around the world. In those nations there is a "Medical legalization" in regards to the use of Cannabis.

The Cannabis plant is known for its ability to relieve pain, anti-inflammatory affect and to stimulate appetite. Many different research papers have shown that the Cannabis plant is a useful remedy in a large range of diseases some of which are associated with the golden age such as Alzheimer, Parkinson, chronic pain, MS, relief of side effects related to cancer treatment as well as proof treatment of the cancer itself in part of the cases and palliative treatment for end stage patients.

One of the advantages of Cannabis use is the nonsignificant side effects as reported by the patients as well, there are no reported cases of overdose with Cannabis and the percentage of addictions to the plant is significantly lower than with other substances.

In the body there is an Endocannabinoid system which affects a large spectrum of biological and chemical processes in the body and constitutes a critical factor of human health. Researchers believe that the main purpose of this system is to preserve homeostasis – the balance of the inner body in spite of external influences. This system reacts directly to the active substances that are found in Cannabis, which are also present naturally in the human body.

  There is a thirst for knowledge amongst researchers, doctors and in the Cannabis industry in relation to a number of questions that have yet to be researched on the Cannabis plant.
Topics that need to be approached in depth:

  1. In the Cannabis plant there are a number of "active ingredients" that have yet to be charted (out of approximately100 active ingredients, until today only two have been charted: CBD, THC)

  2. Improved Methods of extraction

  3. Affective medical alternatives that are accepted throughout the world for the use of Cannabis medically (as appose to the use of smoking cannabis which is thought of as an unhealthy, though today the most effective method used) for example: capsules, ointments, suppositories, inhalation etc.

  4. Genetic strand development to improve the cultivation of better strains, faster. For example strains which are rich in specific canaboids that are intended for a specific indication.

  5. There is a need to adapt advanced technologies from conventional agriculture to the field of Cannabis. For example: to prevent pesticides, resistant strains, reducing the use of water and energy, enlargement of yield, packing and storage methods which will improve shelf life.

How could policy makers help to scale-up your idea across Europe? (optional)
The field of Cannabis is very diverse and can therefore lead to a large range of quality job opportunities such as research and development, agriculture, product and medicine development and marketing
Do you have examples where your idea is already used or how it could be used in practice? Please also share links to further information if possible. (optional)
The main barrier in the Cannabis field today is the regulation of Cannabis although in the past few years there is an impressive development in the field, more and more nations are allowing the use of medical Cannabis. There is a lack of research in the field of Cannabis which can prove its many advantages in specific illnesses and disease.
What are the current barriers in implementing your idea? (optional)
In Israel, today, exists one the most developed and advanced programs in the world that deals with medical Cannabis. There are 23,000 patients in Israel which are treated medically with Cannabis for several different indications (see the list below). https://www.health.gov.il/hozer/DR_106.pdf
How can your idea create new jobs and businesses? (optional)
Removal barriers in the field of import and export. Promotion and development of medical Cannabis legalization Creating national programs to deal with the treatment of medical Cannabis Encouraging International co-operation and trade between countries.
Category: Health & Care
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Author: oksenior Date: 05 October 2016

The OK SENIOR Quality Mark is a program of the certification of personnel, services and products for the elderly.

Thanks to the introduction of the OK SENIOR mark, senior citizens and their families will be able to quickly identify verified and supervised services that are recorded in a national register of certified goods and services.

The certification system OK SENIOR was prepared by Healthy Ageing LLC in cooperation with National Institute od Silver Economy (Krajowy Instytut Gospodarki Senioralnej), TÜV Rheinland Poland and Public Consulting Group. The strategic Partner of the project is The Polish Promotional Emblem Foundation “Poland Now” (“Teraz Polska”).

OK SENIOR will bring the opportunity to positively distinguish and show the potential of the European market of services for the elderly. As well as this, the system will help senior citizens in making consumer choices.

The scientifically developed quality system serves as the basis for the creation of the criteria of measurability and the awarding of the OK SENIOR certificate in the following areas:

• A quality management system in short- and long-term care,

• Senior’s Assistant – training and certificates for carers,

• Senior citizens as consumers of goods and services.

The OK SENIOR Quality Mark makes it easier to choose an appropriate service or product that is tailored to the needs of senior citizens

and indicates the highest quality.

  • SAFE - It guarantees the meeting of the highest safety standards for elderly persons.
  • COMPREHENSIBLE - It is easy to understand for people with limited sensory capabilities (those who are visually or hearing impaired) and is user-friendly.
  • ACCESSIBLE - It is easily accessible and has the best quality-to-price-ratio of certified products and/or services.
  • NEEDED - It addresses the real needs of the elderly and protects them against abuse.


We are also creating on our website a catalog with all certified products and services which will help in nearby future to quickly find all best quality goods for elderly people.

Opportunities for companies which provide services and products for elderly people:


  • Additional opportunities for the promotion of a product / service following the award of the certificate
  • Sustainable market edge over competitors o Easier choice of goods and services


  • A more favourable perception of goods and services means the creation of a positive image among customers
  • Customer trust translates into their loyalty to the brand


  • Certified services and business processes stand out from the crowd
o The OK SENIOR Quality Mark promotes certified products, services and quality management systems in elderly care and presents them in
  • a national register of certified goods and services
How could policy makers help to scale-up your idea across Europe? (optional)
Senior’s Assistant –carers of elderly (we are running trainings for carers of elderly) Auditors in sector of products and services addressed to elderly (we need auditors to help us run the audits) Quality Controllers (“Mystery Client”) – elderly who are examining all channels of communication with the customer and the sales process for the senior people
Do you have examples where your idea is already used or how it could be used in practice? Please also share links to further information if possible. (optional)
There is a need of dissemination of information about OK SENIOR Program in all European countries. We would like OK SENIOR to be an international initiative. This is a problem in case of huge costs of communication campaigns. We are also looking for international partners in audit companies and of course companies which are willing to participate in OK SENIOR certification process.
What are the current barriers in implementing your idea? (optional)
Orange (telecommunication company; gained OK SENIOR Certificate in September 2016) - Orange is an example of a company that saw the potential purchasing power of senior and opened a new chapter defining the market of goods and services allowing seniors to identify good service. The results of the OK SENIOR audit conducted in Orange confirmed that the hotline dedicated to senior citizens meets quality standards OK SENIOR which is safe, responds to the real needs of the elderly and protects against fraud, it’s user friendly, understandable and easily accessible. Orange has run the OK SENIOR audit and certification, to confirm that their customer services for seniors are provided at the highest level. Approximately 15% of customers of Orange are seniors over 70, for whom modern technology is not always so intuitive and simple as for young people. To take better care of this customer group the company has introduced a number of facilitations. Automatic helpline menu is shortened to the minimum to connect an elderly person with a dedicated consultant who will explain even the most complicated technical issues in simple and easy to understand language in the shortest possible time. Conversation with the consultant may be as long as it will be necessary to settle the matter. Moreover, all letters addressed to senior customers are printed in enlarged font. MEDI-system (long-term care for seniors; gained OK SENIOR Certificate in Septermber 2016) as an industry leader with 15 years of experience in long-term care for elderly. Medi-system has joined the initiative, which aims to create a standard of care for the elderly. Selecting long-term care house for seniors signed SENIOR OK, the elderly and their families can be confident that it has been thoroughly tested and is subject to ongoing supervision by the certification body. Audit procedure and certification was passed by - first in Poland - the center MEDI-system OSTROWIA, who specializes in the care and rehabilitation of patients with Alzheimer's disease.
How can your idea create new jobs and businesses? (optional)
OK SENIOR Program needs help in gaining visibility and enhance it publicity. We hope that policy makers in Europe could help us to improve the transferability and scalability of our best practices. We would like to have an opportunity to share our idea among EU Members which could help us in kick-starting pilot OK SENIOR activities in other EU countries.
Category: Other
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Author: minoas1@hol.gr Date: 04 October 2016

Knowledge for fitness

It is for everybody to admire a 65 year old runner finishing the Athens authentic Marathon of 42.124 meters. But is it everybody that finds this endurance challenge to be for the benefit of the runner? Is such an effort for or against her health? While it is obviously positive to her moral and self-esteem, is it positive to her longevity and physical condition?

As age proceeds people become - at an always growing pace - more sensitive of their every day practices and habits. Small variations in eating, drinking or physical and mental effort have a big effect in their wellbeing and fitness.

Eating selections, preference of red over white wine, the plethora of herbs and why not food supplements claiming to have an effect on physical condition are all puzzling people in the silver era of their lives. Because it is hard to find valid answers, people are resorting to common sense and to “hearing” their bodies or undocumented rumors.

The idea is to develop a structured form of advice supported – where possible – by empirical, scientific and/or experimental evidence.

How to find what works for me? If this “me” is one of the hundreds of millions of Europeans approaching or being in the silver age.

The answer could be to build an ontology or to develop a platform where individuals’ experiences are uploaded and the data created are mined using analytics algorithms.

The fact remains that silver age needs to feel better and be better in order to perform more efficiently. A Hub of reliable and trusted knowledge is certainly a much needed tool.

How could policy makers help to scale-up your idea across Europe? (optional)
The idea can create a complemetary industry. Basic links of the value chain are for example: users providing data of their every day habits technologists creating equipment for data collection (IoT) specialists analysing data (statisticians, medical doctors, engineers) and developing the related ontology IT experts providing analytics and creating advice
Do you have examples where your idea is already used or how it could be used in practice? Please also share links to further information if possible. (optional)
The success of the idea depends on the size of the data. triggering user to provide their data is the main challege of the Internet era and economy.
What are the current barriers in implementing your idea? (optional)
One can note that it took decades to be utilise the idea for smoking. It can be applied in a range of other ore "niche" substances in a fraction of the time.
How can your idea create new jobs and businesses? (optional)
Policy makers have all the knowledge they need to design policies that promote practices, habits or foods that support well-being and respectively demote the ones hurting well-being.
Category: Living & Building
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Author: admin Date: 04 October 2016

Do you, too, find it difficult to relate to reports about weak productivity growth in the world economy due to aging populations and increasing populism and protectionism?

Since June 2016 Projektsupport S-O collaborate with the Swedish national register SeniorAlert at Qulturum in Jönköping,  to co-create ROTATIONSHIP® in a new approach toward a Population Health, with additional Relative Experienced Quality of life,  workarounds and energized through open co-learning and co-design.
Read more here http://www.rotationship.com/en-GB/what´s-on--32326807

ROTATIONSHIP® is a new neutral coordinative service method to skills supply by co-learning and co-creative learning processes. ROTATIONSHIP® with a common defined theme is strongly connected to a clear value policy - welcoming other value adding actors to join in various ways.

In collaboration with Anna Trinks, the holder of SeniorAlert at Qulturum in Jönköping, Sweden, we would be more than happy if we could inspire municipalities in other countries to open co-learning ROTATIONSHIP® in co-creative learning processes for a zero vision of health damages in healthcare for elderly and, of course, for prevention and healthy ageing.

We believe in a systematic way of working to strengthen and to attract co-workers within health, healthcare and social care, through co-creative learning and to open up the possibilities in building trust in working teams in new ways of working and in meeting new techniques. When it comes to independent living challenges, most sectors are involved.

How could policy makers help to scale-up your idea across Europe? (optional)
We are ready to make a first pilot with yours and your (future?) stakeholder organizations, at the same time we´re looking for long term local hosts suitable for hosting the sector neutral, standardized and value based ”state of the art” service ROTATIONSHIP®.

In open co-learning, co-designing and co-creation, The Swedish quality register Senior alert will generously share their fantastic experience of teamwork, person centered care and years of exchange and improvement within elderly care. See: http://plus.rjl.se/infopage.jsf?childId=21157&nodeId=43617

Bringing in new energy, new eyes...
Different organizations, generations and various cultures in collaboration will raise skills development in your organization and across the organizational boundaries in your value system.

ROTATIONSHIP® is a standardized rotrainee service for personnel rotations between different organizations within the sectors for sustainable action for Health – i.e. a rotrainee service that also can include small and medium sized companies/organizations.

With ROTATIONSHIP® 3-6 organizations rotate 3-6 trainees focusing on the same theme. Project Support S-O, or the suitable long term host of ROTATIONSHIP® -services, manages preparations, organizes rotations, coordinate opportunities for analysis and discussions around different challenges.

The participant organizations are involved in the planning of the specific project details. The target is to provide the organizations and the individuals’ new experience, attractiveness for skills supply and skills development though better understanding of the accurate context in your value system.
Read more: http://www.rotationship.com/en-GB/about-rotationship%C2%AE-32326767

We're looking for suitable long term cross-boundaries networking hosts for the service ROTATIONSHIP®. Together we can work to get the critical mass and contribute to sustainable local hosts and service workforces that can serve exchanging ideas and ROTATIONSHIP® between different geographical places as well as between different generations, disciplines and organizational levels.
See http://www.rotationship.com/en-GB/externa-relationer-32326810
Do you have examples where your idea is already used or how it could be used in practice? Please also share links to further information if possible. (optional)
The awareness and the courage that comes from broader context analysis together with trust between different organizations, business “eco-systems” and authorities is crucial, but not easy.
See: http://livestream.com/IFQSH/Gothenburg2016/videos/119481549

Still, globally, young graduates bravely engage in Start-ups, in climate change actions and global sustainability. Wanting to learn faster than change.

Project funding is good, but can at the same time exclude organizations, common interests and delay critical IRL initiatives. Ethical thinking is also crucial when building trust in cross boundaries co-learning, co-creation and co-designing.

(We have been scouting a lot: Scroll down to Göran Henriks, Qulturum, here http://www.ihi.org/about/Pages/IHISeniorFellows.aspx
See more about out activities here http://www.projektsupportso.com/en/about-projektsupport-s-o-8773249 )
What are the current barriers in implementing your idea? (optional)
In our humble search for courage, curiosity and awareness in 4-6 interested organizations, ready to begin the planning phase in co-learning from start for co-creative learning processes with Senior alert & ROTATIONSHIP®, we have made a journey, within Sweden between Kalmar – Linköping – Malmö – Stockholm - Göteborg – Uppsala – Västerås – Örebro.

The social context and environment for food and eating is a strong theme for a Senior alert & ROTATIONSHIP® , the digitalization and co-learning between different political levels for work environment, living environment and trust that makes people in the complex organizations curious about looking for new knowledge and scouting to share with others.
How can your idea create new jobs and businesses? (optional)
By true understanding of the aim, respecting and supporting the humble focus on this people centered approach to changing contexts. Let´s co-create with the policy makers about HOW:
Projektsupport S-O, Sweden, Nordics, will visit WHINN 2016 in Odense, Denmark on the 5th of October and World Health Summit in Berlin, Germany on the 9th-11th of October with the same message:

In collaboration with Anna Trinks, the holder of SeniorAlert at Qulturum in Jönköping, Sweden, we would be more than happy if we could inspire municipalities in other countries to open co-learning ROTATIONSHIP® in co-creative learning processes for a zero vision of health damages in healthcare for elderly and, of course, for prevention.

Projektsupport S-O is recently connected to SIHA (Skåne Innovation Healthy Ageing) - a part of EIP-AHA (European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Agening).

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Author: Gemma Parera Date: 04 October 2016

To provide basic house upgrades for the most vulnerable elderly population in order to guarantee the minimum security and habitability conditions; simplify accessibility and life condition of the person in his own home; promote functional autonomy an life quality at home.

The programme can be addressed to people from 65 year-old, with difficulty to carry out daily life activities, in situation of dependence and/or lack of personal autonomy, that live alone or with other elderly, and with scarce economic resources.

How could policy makers help to scale-up your idea across Europe? (optional)
New jobs can be created to carry out works of improvements and functional adaptation in the houses of elderly people.
Do you have examples where your idea is already used or how it could be used in practice? Please also share links to further information if possible. (optional)
It's important to integrate in one single project professionals of building trade, professionals of social services and social-health technicians. The circuits can be complex, because it's necessary a general planning and monitoring, selection /prioritization of beneficiaries, coordination and technical monitoring company and work execution companies.
What are the current barriers in implementing your idea? (optional)
Diputació de Barcelona develop a programme with this aim, which includes bathroom upgrades, kitchen upgrades and general upgrades and accessibility solutions, and also efficiency energy actions, addressed to the most vulnerable elderly people, and also disabled people, in Barcelona province.
Category: Safety & Security
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Author: Anne Kärki Date: 04 October 2016

Digital support for all: means that support is given to anyone especially for the ones not able to access or use digital services in society e.g. health care.


How could policy makers help to scale-up your idea across Europe? (optional)
Digital tools will be created and new jobs come around. Service providers that assist people in digital society - new businesses are created.
Do you have examples where your idea is already used or how it could be used in practice? Please also share links to further information if possible. (optional)
Idea that everyone can use the developed digital services and that they are so easy to access.
How can your idea create new jobs and businesses? (optional)
Accessibility act in Europe should also take in consideration the actions to support society for all - ideology.
Category: Other
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Author: Lluisa Marsal Date: 04 October 2016

In a similar way as shifts of time between World's time zones provide business oportunites for services relying on overnight execution and delivery, this idea builds on the time lag between solar time and local time (time on your watch) to explore new business and services leveraging on energy savings. The Silver Economy group would be targeted as beneficiaries of the new services as their condition of retired frees them to adjust their daily activites and live according to the sun. Time differnece between solar time (time shown by a solar clock) and actual time on our watch can span up to two hours on certain periods of the year. It is expected that living according to the sun would provide substantial savings in areas of energy, transportation, home services -including Ambient Assited Living-, personal care-, etc. and therefore this seems to be an area of businesses discovery and services innovation worth exploring. 

Category: Living & Building
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Author: General Pharmaceutical Council of Spain Date: 04 October 2016

The Silver Economy in Europe

The silver economy is the part of the economy that includes relevant economic activities for elder European citizens (health, healthcare, nutrition, leisure, transportation, education, employment, etc.). The silver economy is much related with the European demographic trends and the effects of an ageing population in the quality of life and in the economy from a broad perspective.

An ageing society can be considered as a sign of social and economic advancement and comes associated with new opportunities for economic, social and cultural development.

Currently, the silver economy is relatively unknown, but in the coming years will be a major fraction of the development of the European Union.

The European Commission (EC) is studying ongoing and foreseen initiatives and ideas carried out in this field. The diverse sectors silver economy covers are: 1) connectivity and social participation; (2) entertainment, culture and tourism; (3) financial services; (4) food and nutrition; (5) health and care; (6) living and building; (7) mobility and transport; (8) physical and cognitive abilities; (9) safety and security; (10) work and training, among others.

Regarding the part concerning health, the silver economy would include solutions to help healthcare, preventive and therapeutic (including palliative care) activities, as well as activities that help with personal hygiene. It also includes the use of new technologies (telemedicine, telecare, mHealth and robotics).

Therefore, from the General Pharmaceutical Council of Spain, conSIGUE Generalization of the implementation of Medicines Review with Follow-up Service can be used as proposal for the EC.


Seniors with chronic diseases use approximately the 70% of healthcare resources in Spain. The number of over 65s polymedicated patients is greater than 11% in our country, and reaches a 40% in people who live in institutions. All of it, is conditioning a significant increase in the occurrence of adverse effects arising from the use of medicines and, consequently, an increase in complications, hospital admissions and emergency room visits.

On the other hand, the community pharmacy is experiencing a shift towards a more patient-centered pharmacy, with the provision of professional healthcare services that allow improving the process and results derived from the use of the medicine but also to achieve a reduction of costs arising from the use of healthcare services.

There are many studies that have been carried out to design and assess the effectiveness of different professional pharmaceutical services in recent years, however, the degree of implementation of them in the daily activity of a community pharmacy is variable.

The Medicines Review with Follow-up Service (MRFU) is the professional service that aims at drug related problems (DRP), for the prevention and resolution of negative outcomes associated with medication (NOM). It is a service that involves a commitment and which must be provided in a continued, systematic and documented manner, in collaboration with the patient and other healthcare professionals, in order to achieve concrete results that improve the quality of life of the patient.

Role of the pharmacist

Community Pharmacy is immersed in an evolutionary process that responds to the health needs of the patients, which is a healthcare advancement through the provision of pharmaceutical services. Services offered by the community pharmacist that improve patient’s health outcomes and provide savings to the health system.

Pharmacists are showing progress in their more clinical role, showing responsibility and knowledge of the needs of the population. Pharmacists are also participating in the generation of evidence for these new services patient-centered, improving knowledge, adherence and health outcomes.

The network of community pharmacies offers to the health administration not only a network of healthcare facilities but also a network of close and accessible professionals throughout the country.

conSIGUE Programme

conSIGUE is a programme that integrates a research strategy with a political and communication strategy from a practical point of view.

Since 2009, conSIGUE Programme has been studying in elderly and polymedicated population at community pharmacy level, 1) the impact of the MRFU service on the clinical, economic and humanistic outcomes of patients, and 2) the implementation of the service in the daily practice of the Spanish community pharmacies.

The first phase was developed in 2009-2013 to know the impact of the community pharmacist intervention through the MRFU service at clinical, economic and humanistic level in elderly patients (65 or older) and polymedicated (5 or more medicines used continuously for six or more months).

In this phase, called conSIGUE Impact, 178 community pharmacies, 250 pharmacists and 1.403 patients (715 comparison group and 688 group intervention) got involved.


The average age of the patients was 75.13 years (SD: 6.53) with an average of 4.65 (SD: 1.66) health problems, where 1.09 (SD: 1.22) were uncontrolled. The average number of medicines used per patient was 7.56 (SD: 2.44).

The provision of the MRFU service during six months allowed 1) a significant reduction of 56% in the number of uncontrolled health problems (reduction of 0.44 uncontrolled health problems per patient); (2) a reduction of 49% in the number of patients who referred to go to emergency departments; (3) a reduction of the 55% in the number of patients hospitalized; (4) a 6.6-point improvement in the perceived quality of life; (5) a reduction of 0.15 medicines used per patient.

As regards to the necessary costs for the provision of the service, 279€ / patient / year was calculated, this means 23.25€ / patient / month.

In relation to the pharmacoeconomic analysis, the MRFU service was very cost effective with very low associated expenses in comparison to a very high effectiveness.

In 2013-2015 the work was focused on the development of a programme for the sustainable implementation of the service using and testing a model for implementation (FISpH model) with four stages: exploration, preparation, initial and full implementation, and sustainability.

In the exploration phase, 155 community pharmacies (222 pharmacists) participated. 135 community pharmacies were taken to the preparation phase. During the first month, 85 pharmacies (63%) recruited its first patient (initial implementation) from the third month, a considerable number of community pharmacies were in the full implementation phase (13.3%). In the cut-off of twelve month, 48 (35.5%) community pharmacies were in initial implementation and 74 (54.8%) in full implementation. In the fifteen month cut-off, 59 pharmacies (43.7%) went to initial sustainability, while 16 (11.8%) were in the stage of full implementation and 26 (19.3%) in the initial implementation.

With regard to clinical and humanistic outcomes observed during the implementation phase, noted that at 12 months cut-off, data though similar, were slightly higher than those observed in impact phase.

A third phase of generalization of the implementation of the MRFU service will start in the coming months and last until 2018. The main objective is to expand the implementation of the MRFU service to more Spanish community pharmacies.

The study will have a hybrid design of effectiveness-implementation in which the theoretical framework FISpH (Framework for the Implementation of Services in Pharmacy) will be used and whose population under study will be polymedicated elderly patients with chronic diseases and able to complete the EuroQoL-5D Questionnaire.

Category: Health & Care
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Author: General Pharmaceutical Council of Spain Date: 04 October 2016

The Silver Economy in Europe

The silver economy is the part of the economy that includes relevant economic activities for elder European citizens (health, healthcare, nutrition, leisure, transportation, education, employment, etc.). The silver economy is much related with the European demographic trends and the effects of an ageing population in the quality of life and in the economy from a broad perspective.

An ageing society can be considered as a sign of social and economic advancement and comes associated with new opportunities for economic, social and cultural development.

Currently, the silver economy is relatively unknown, but in the coming years will be a major fraction of the development of the European Union.

The European Commission (EC) is studying ongoing and foreseen initiatives and ideas carried out in this field. The diverse sectors silver economy covers are: 1) connectivity and social participation; (2) entertainment, culture and tourism; (3) financial services; (4) food and nutrition; (5) health and care; (6) living and building; (7) mobility and transport; (8) physical and cognitive abilities; (9) safety and security; (10) work and training, among others.

Regarding the part concerning health, the silver economy would include solutions to help healthcare, preventive and therapeutic (including palliative care) activities, as well as activities that help with personal hygiene. It also includes the use of new technologies (telemedicine, telecare, mHealth and robotics).

Therefore, from the General Pharmaceutical Council of Spain, the project AdherenciaMED can be used as proposal for the EC.


According to the World Health Organization (WHO) adherence is defined as "the extent to which a person’s behaviours – taking medication, following a diet, and/or executing lifestyle changes, corresponds with agreed recommendations from a healthcare provider”. Adherence is, therefore, complex and multifactorial.

As regards medication, lack of adherence to treatment is a very significant problem that has clinical implications (desirable therapeutic outcomes not reached, complications, etc.), economic (wastage of medicines, increased use of healthcare resources, etc.) and in the quality of life of patients.

The ageing of the population, particularly significant in Spain but widespread across Europe, and the increase associated with the chronicity and pluripathology, leads to that the management of adherence to treatment is key for European health systems.

The improvement of therapeutic adherence entails the involvement of the patient, of all healthcare professionals caring for him/her, the administration and the pharmaceutical industry.


Role of the pharmacist

From the pharmaceutical perspective, it is important to guide any intervention performed by the community pharmacist to the specific cause that is causing the problem of adherence and design a customized plan that fits to the type of adherence problem identified in the patient. Broadly speaking, non-adherence can be intentional and non-intentional and, on this basis, the intervention of the pharmacist will vary.

Another factor to consider is that the degree of adherence varies between patients, treatments, and even over time in the same patient. It is therefore key, carry out interventions on adherence from the community pharmacy on a regular basis.

There are many interventions that can be made, since the provision of information and counselling about the treatment and its correct use process, through the preparation of lists or tables of medicines, the preparation of personalized dosing systems (PDS), reminders (telephone calls, alarms, mobile applications, etc.), to influence the beliefs of the patient in relation to the disease/treatment.

AdherenciaMED Project

AdherenciaMED project has as main objective the design and evaluation of the clinical, economic and humanistic impact of a professional pharmaceutical service aimed to improve the therapeutic adherence in patients in pharmacological treatment for hypertension, asthma or COPD, in comparison with the usual pharmaceutical care. Hypertension, asthma and COPD are, together with the diabetes, the more prevalent chronic diseases in population over 65 years.

More specifically, the study will assess:

  • The effectiveness of the adherence service designed as well as it suitability.
  • The clinical impact of the service on the high blood pressure, asthma, or COPD control.
  • The economic impact in terms of medicines used, hospitalizations, visits to emergency, primary care and resources used to provide the service and the cost-utility of it.
  • The impact on quality of life and perceived health status.

The professional service foreseen for the study will be a brief complex intervention, based on an interview and, depending on the type of adherence problem identified, the possibility of offering the patient PDSs as reinforcement system to the unintentional lack of adherence.

The design of the study is a clinical randomized controlled trial, which will be held in community pharmacies in 6 Spanish provinces. The pharmacist will offer patients requesting the dispensing of a medicine for the treatment of hypertension, asthma or COPD, the possibility of participating in the study. In addition to this criteria for inclusion, patients will have to be over 18 years of age, consent to participate in the study and be able to complete several self-reported questionnaires on adherence, health and quality of life.

Category: Health & Care
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Author: Francesco Di Lodovico Date: 03 October 2016

silver economy could be the test bed of a renewed economic and management approach, if we dare to clearly identify and possibly prioritize the human and relational dimension over the technical one. It is almost by definition a caring economic and management model which should be fostered, where you may not want to substitue the well trained human caring touch and relation with any sort of machine or device. therefore it should be an highly labour intensive sector, although all the innovations and the advances from e-health to personalized medicine will have a key role to play.

How could policy makers help to scale-up your idea across Europe? (optional)
labour intensive business models
Do you have examples where your idea is already used or how it could be used in practice? Please also share links to further information if possible. (optional)
efficiency driven business models
What are the current barriers in implementing your idea? (optional)
hospitals and clinics where the idealistic inspiraton drive the culture and the management style
How can your idea create new jobs and businesses? (optional)
showing best practice and cases where the combination of humanity and technology are a win win successful mix
Category: Health & Care
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Author: L-F Pau Date: 03 October 2016

May sound wired, but not so much , I mean the role of seniors in biodiversity and in generating additional pocket income. They love to care , and also for their plants. But too often these plans are common flowers, vegetables or fruits, which , in limited quantities, can be grown on a terrasse or in a window. The added value of the people doing this , is their interest, time, and happyness in seeing a result . This extends to rare/disappearing fruit species (or varieties); in Southern Europe, there are over 200 species in danger; they are not economically viable for production on farms, but local demand and customers exist (for fresh fruits as well as for jams). Contrary to say 20 years ago, there are bio-farmers or bio shops (even store networks) , who would love to sell such rarities , and could collect them in their neighborhoods, paying the seniors a little for their production. The same stakeholders could either make the seeds/plants available, or let the seniors buy them . 

Another, more extreme case, is the cultivation of some specific flowers , where the production has largely disappeared from Europe only because of labor costs. Take Jasmin , a wonderful flagrance. The bushes are small and grow slowly; the key issues are patience, and time to water them. When in bloom, in the early morning, one must harvest the flowers one by one, and plant them upside down into a flat greased surface which sucks up the flagrance. The seniors would enjoy the smell but also the revenue. Indeed, 8 tons of flowers are needed to produce 1 kg of "essential flagrance" from the grease extracts, but this kg is worth over 100 000 Euros.If one elderly person does it right, and collects say 8 kg of flowers, they could well reap monetary rewards in the hundred euro bracket. This is just an example of a suggested model whereby seniors can be productive, use their availability , a bit of water, the reap pleasure and some pocket money.  

How could policy makers help to scale-up your idea across Europe? (optional)
Yes, specialty agricultural LOCAL ecosystems could be created
Do you have examples where your idea is already used or how it could be used in practice? Please also share links to further information if possible. (optional)
People are too much used to mass production and mass consumption, which are not what biodiversity and the fragrance industry rely upon
What are the current barriers in implementing your idea? (optional)
Farms around Grasse (France), in Liguria (Italy) , and across Provence represent living examples
How can your idea create new jobs and businesses? (optional)
Not much help to be expected from policy makers
Category: Food & Nutrition
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Author: L-F Pau Date: 03 October 2016

Probably most don't realize, or remember, the many deaths following the heat waves in Europe in 2003, just to mention that case (in France ver 14800 deaths according to INSERM)..Such events, due to the climate change evolution, are bound to be more frequent. At the same time many forget that in most european countries, public housing must have sprinklers in case of fire. The idea is very simple: modify the throtlle of the mandatory sprinkler, to have a second water atomizing throttle. This would, upon activation of  a switch (in future of a remote switch) , send atomized fresh water from above in the room, and refresh the atmosphere, especially for seniors or weak persons. The sprinkler life time anyway is limited and should be limited, so this should happen in connection with a renewal plan. In this way , air temperature would fall by the evaporation effect of the atomized droplets.

How could policy makers help to scale-up your idea across Europe? (optional)
Manufacturiung and installation jobs, without much additional skills
Do you have examples where your idea is already used or how it could be used in practice? Please also share links to further information if possible. (optional)
How can your idea create new jobs and businesses? (optional)
Retirement homes could be requested to renew their sprinklers by this new design
Category: Health & Care
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Author: georghiosk Date: 03 October 2016

Younger people visit their seniors in terms of their work and ideas disposition, to discuss the past the present and the future as the 2 generations have experienced it, will experience it and to get advice and ideas evaluated from either side.

For example – Young Electrical Engineers will visit their seniors (retired and aging) for companionship and at the same time discuss projects and ask for advice and share experiences.

It is surprising how much people of the same background have to talk about and also how much older people appreciate the companionship of their juniors. It will also relieve depression and anxiety on older people, healthier mental state and maybe increase their research and mental activity.


How could policy makers help to scale-up your idea across Europe? (optional)
1) A social media site to be setup for initial contact - similar to a dating site and ride sharing site. 2) Will encourage the implementation of new ideas by the younger generation, before the older people die and take their ideas and experience to the grave. 3) Encourage younger people to continue operating small businesses where older people have no one to hand them over to. 4) Consultancy to companies and even visits to companies by the older people where they can sit in meetings and be available for advice to a company.
Do you have examples where your idea is already used or how it could be used in practice? Please also share links to further information if possible. (optional)
Companies must be willing to let people off for a couple of hours a week for this activity. Training and motivating older people to use the technology. Development of the web site and advertising it.
What are the current barriers in implementing your idea? (optional)
I always visit older people and I make a point of discussing their interests with them and I find it rewarding and exciting especially when it involves areas where I'm about to venture into and I need some advice. They are always will to help and share ideas and there is a spark in their eyes when they see you again.
How can your idea create new jobs and businesses? (optional)
Enforcing the 'companionship at work' ideal as part of a company's policy.
Category: Connectivity & Social participation
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Author: swkim Date: 03 October 2016

The digital active ID can sense and monitor health, location, and movement.

The gathering and processing of these sensed individual human data can help to use pension efficiently.

Those gathered big data can be used to manage medical treatment and living cost by third man/party.

How could policy makers help to scale-up your idea across Europe? (optional)
Big data analysis can be used for various areas like autonomous transportation backbone design, nutrition and daily life advise.
Do you have examples where your idea is already used or how it could be used in practice? Please also share links to further information if possible. (optional)
Someone may consider this violates human rights. The hacking may cause problem.
What are the current barriers in implementing your idea? (optional)
There are various wearable sensing devices on earth already. Each people has certain form of Analog Identification Card now.
Category: Health & Care
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Author: Patrícia Delgado Date: 02 October 2016

In my point of view older people should be working untill they really want to retired. I think that most of elderly people would like to still work, not having the rule of age pension. What can the goverments do to keep older people active. Active for me means less health problems and more social interaction. So, what goverments can do?

1 - Start building a idea that get old don't mean you have to quit your job.

2 - After 45 years of age enterprises should have motivation teams. Learn new and innovation with old knowelge.

3 - Create incentives for older people have they own business.

4 - Social work, in my opinion, should be pay.

5 - Part-time should be first option, before older people think in retired.

6 - Nursery homes should give adapted work.

7 - Familys should incentived the relatives to keep work.

8 - More effective prevention of work - diseases.

Category: Other
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Author: Alex N Date: 01 October 2016
I live in Romania. A lot of elders have low pension income. The young people here don't have that much experience in the job department, due to our educational system. Elders are not employed due to their age and that they can't work as much as the youth, all that being said, I believe that they should be employed for a minimum wage, as trainees. Helping and training young people getting the experience they need and being supervised by someone with a lot of it. The pros is that the elders get an extra income and they have something to do all day rather then doing nothing and at the same time helping the unexperienced and the company. It's much more useful if there is someone supervising in real time the process then correcting it after the deed is done.
How could policy makers help to scale-up your idea across Europe? (optional)
Create an extra income for the elders and help then young employees be more productive and companies won't lose time and money by repairing the problems the unexperienced create due to the lack of it. Thus giving more flexibility and confidence in a job.
Do you have examples where your idea is already used or how it could be used in practice? Please also share links to further information if possible. (optional)
Companies don't usually employee elders because of the age issue and efficiency.
What are the current barriers in implementing your idea? (optional)
I have tworked examples. 1. I was working as a trainee at an notary public office. I wanted to become one, but lacked the experience. Luckily there was an older employee, 61 of age who worked there for 20 years. She was about to retire, but was lucky to have her around for 3 months. As I said, lacked the experienced but knew the theory, everything I didn't know on how to apply she was by my side and explained how it really goes in the real world in comparison with the theory I've learned. She was 8h a day there to assist me and help me when I made a mistake by not submitting it. Thus helping the office remain professional and efficient. She was a valuable asset to the office and to all the young people in it.
How can your idea create new jobs and businesses? (optional)
By giving an incentive and explaining how valuable their experience is in helping the new generation at the work place and not thru training schools. A live observation and training is easier for the unexperienced get it faster and more efficient.
Category: Other
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Author: AFUDCU Date: 30 September 2016

Universities are typically engaged with preparing young people for a professional career. Dublin City University is a research intensive university of enterprise and innovation with a young population however, in 2012 DCU became the first designated age-friendly university. We recognise that Ireland is approx 20 years behind the rest of Europe in terms of an ageing population and in particular we have  the lowest number of 80 year olds in the EU.  We are golbally leading  a network of age friendly  universities to work collaboratively to meet the needs of an ageing deomgraphic and to support active and healthy ageing.

We have developed 10 Principles of an Age Friendly University and have convened a  multidisciplinary team which work collaboratively in ageing issues with the support of an Age Friendly Coordinator.  We have also established an Expert Advisory Board comprising organisations who work with older people in Ireland.  The Age Friendly Coordinator works  to encourage older people onto the university campus to engage in lifelong learning,entrepreunership,  health, sports and cultural activities.  This provides our students with the opportunity to engage in intergenerational dialogue learning and mentoring opportunities, challenges attitudes towards ageing and contributes to informing their own ageing process.  It also provides rich and diverse research opportunities.  For our older learner  who has skills and life experience in abundance  its the sense of empowerment, belonging, social interaction, educational opportunities, keeping the mind active, mentoring and social engagement. 

How could policy makers help to scale-up your idea across Europe? (optional)
There are opportunities for older people to engage in entrepreunerial activities in a variety of areas both commercial and social - creating incubator environments or co-operatives where people can come together to incubate and test ideas Developing customised tourism opportunities for the older traveller (as mentioned in a previous post) Developing new career pathways for young people as career carers with options to professionalise caring outside of nursing. Assisted living and sensor technology Pensions and financial services - new products for an older market New types of food to meet the needs of a more conscious and informed ageing population New types of housing - more mutligenerational living and supports in community rather than nursing home.
Do you have examples where your idea is already used or how it could be used in practice? Please also share links to further information if possible. (optional)
Identifying potential funding opportunities - to get more older people engaged with universities - identifying partners who would like to collaborate in these areas - getting lifelong learning more emphasis and more investment in the EU Too much red tape, lots of information but not fitting into the right "category"
What are the current barriers in implementing your idea? (optional)
Have a look at the Age Friendly University website DCU. It is early days yet but we are growing and want others to be part of the growth. www.dcu.ie/agefriendly
How can your idea create new jobs and businesses? (optional)
By supporting institutes of higher education to engage with a multigenerational population and working in partnership with more cohesion - industry, civil society and acedemia.
Category: Other
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Author: Dina Date: 28 September 2016

Platform to highlight the experience, competence, anf knoledge by life. This forum can be a outlook on which the old people can be useful to young and adult generations.     

Strenghness of the idea: a) social inclusion, psychological resilience, social and mental wellbeing, utility sense by old like landmark for young. This Action can reinforce the sense of life in old people and being part of the society, addressing their quality of life not only in terms of things to do but much more as sense of utility by what they expereinced in their life. 

Young generation can be stimulated to develop and feel the need of ethical behavior

Alliance among generations leaded by knowledge of life


Do you have examples where your idea is already used or how it could be used in practice? Please also share links to further information if possible. (optional)
-distance between young and old generation - poor ability from old to comunicate to young - absence of places where to build the dialogue between generations -
How can your idea create new jobs and businesses? (optional)
- making old generation part of social development - creating the awareness in old generation as resource - favoring the retirement perceptive as functional step of social inclusion
Category: Connectivity & Social participation
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