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The LIBER Board is currently in the process of developing a vision and strategy for LIBER 2018-22 and would like input from LIBER participants. Below is a draft of the proposed vision and strategic directions as presented at the Strategy Café at the LIBER 2016 Conference in Helsinki. In you comments on the vision we would particularly like you to address the following questions: 1. Does this vision resonate with your vision of the research landscape in 2022? 2. Do you see a role for your library in achieving this vision? 3. What is the added value of LIBER in realising this vision? In your comments on the 3 strategic directions please address these questions: 1. Do you agree this strategic direction? 2. Are the actions identified relevant for your library? 3. Which actions should have priority (top-2)?
Further info

Vision statement
In 2022:
- Research infrastructure is participatory, tailored and scaled to the needs of the diverse disciplines.
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Strategic Directions:
This strategic direction aims to strengthen and expand the roles of research libraries in innovative publishing. The strategic direction will consist of the following themes which at a later stage will be described in more detailed project proposals:
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- Open Access of research publications: this theme will encompass developing innovative services on top of the repository network, developments regarding Open Access business models for journals and the role of libraries therein, and the possibilities for libraries as Open Access publishers and innovative publishing.
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- Research data management: this theme will further explore and develop library services regarding FAIR research data, such as support for data management during research projects and support for data archive/data repositories to store and publish research datasets, and linking data to publications.
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- Innovative metrics: within this theme LIBER research libraries will develop in collaboration with other stakeholders innovative metrics meant to monitor and evaluate research.
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- Innovative peer review: this theme aims to participate in the developments regarding innovations in peer review.
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This strategic direction aims to further develop the research libraries as a hub for digital skills and digital services:
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- Diversifying digital skills of library staff members: the development of an educational programme with the aim to diversify the digital skills of library staff members is foreseen, while the trainings themselves might be developed in collaboration with partners.
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- Supporting the change management within research libraries: this theme might be incorporated in the LIBER leadership programme.
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- Changing the service development philosophy: within this theme, one will work on fostering a service development philosophy based on co-design/user-centred design, agile development and adaptability and embedding services in the research process.
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