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Industrial Policy 2030

Starting: 20 Jun Ending

0 days left (ends 02 Jul)

Go to discussion, participate and give your opinion


Dear colleagues, 

We have uploaded a very early draft of our opinion incorporating the feedback during the first meeting and would like to get your reaction to this document. 

Please vote (i.e. agree/disagree) and comment at the paragraph level until the 2nd of July. 

In case you have any technical problems please contact Hannes Leo at leo@cbased.com or +43 664 3520812. 

Thank you very much for your contributions. 

best regards

Carlos Trias Pintó & Gerald Kreuzer

Further info

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Privacy: Public


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P73 The role of international trade is crucial in order to meet the challenges of sustainable industry. Stronger multilateral and global trade mechanisms: review and improvement of preferential free trade treaties and agreements (from GATT to TTIP), introducing a degree of conditionality tied to sustainability commitments. Establishing red lines: legal and fiscal governance, resolution of off shore differences, minimum social and environmental thresholds.

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P74 Creation of a sectoral agenda for balanced management of the transition towards a low-carbon circular, and generally more sustainable, economy: setting sector and geographical area targets, introducing individualised roadmaps reflecting real circumstances, calibrating the impact of the cost of energy and other inputs.

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P75 Keeping the public informed of the values and challenges of high added technological value sustainable European industry. Learners and consumers (who are uninterested in the industrial setting) must be informed and empowered, by facilitating access to and ownership of straightforward, reliable tools (communities should be segmented by age and prior knowledge profiles).

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P76 The EESC highlights the pressing need to multiply and align efforts in the area of financial and digital literacy, starting in schools and working up through the other levels of learning or vocational retraining, combining Member State initiatives with guidelines and transnational pilot projects by the European Commission.

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4.5.2. EESC proposals regarding the sectoral specificities

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P78 Chemical industry

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- Regulatory costs have very much increased with unnecessarily costly measures. A most cost-effective solutions should be considered, ensuring its technical quality.

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P80 …

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[1] COM (2018) 97 final

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[2] See SC/047

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[3] As set out in EESC opinion SC/047.

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[4] See EESC exploratory opinion SC/048.

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