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The big Corona disruption

Starting: 16 Apr Ending

0 days left (ends 30 Apr)

Help us find coming disruptive events: Go to discussion, participate and give your opinion


Part of China has been in lock-down, almost all of Europe is still there and the US is going down this road too.

The reactions to the Covid-2019 pandemic could not be more heterogeneuous. Some think this will be a short tip and we´ll quickly return to "business as usual" afterwards. Others hope that this is the wake-up call for a planet on a critical development path. Whatever your expections are, we know from recent, much smaller disruptions (e.g. hurricane Catherina in New Orlean, nuclear disaster in Fukushima province) that the impacts may show up with delay and in unexpected areas.

That´s why we are turning to you: By working together, sharing and jointly evaluating your insights will be better able to see the full picture, identify disruptice events and provide inputs for decision makers before we live through it. We have to be quick to be relevant: please join the dicussion - which will be open for 2 weeks - now and please inform your networks. Whatever will be produced will be in the public domain.

Don´t hesitate, act now.

Looking forward to your contributions!






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Author: hannes_discuto Date: 08 April 2020

Please click on "ADD NEW IDEA" on the left hand side of this page. Then fill the form, i.e. describe the event so that other participant understand and can join the discussion.

What will be the long term consequences of this event?
Please outline - as far as possible - what the long term consequences of the identified disruptive event will. On what will it impact? How strong will this impact be?
What has to be done to prevent this from happening?
Can we still do something do prevent this from happening or at least avoid the worst case scenario? If yes, please let us know how you think we should proceed.
How big are the cost of inaction? A rough estimates suffices.
Doing nothing is always the default option. Quite often the costs associated with this "decision" are high. Contemplating the costs of inaction often helps to get things going.
Category: Intended disruption caused by humans
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