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Digital Services Act

Starting: 06 Jan Ending

0 days left (ends 05 Feb)

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Dr. Patrick Breyer. Digitaler Freiheitskämpfer und Europaabgeordneter der Piratenpartei. MEP for Piratenpartei and the European Pirate Party. Homepage: https://www.patrick-breyer.de


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(c) the dispute settlement is easily accessible through electronic communication technology;

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(d)it is capable of settling dispute in a swift, efficient and cost-effective manner and in at least one official language of the Union;

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(e) the dispute settlement takes place in accordance with clear and fair rules of procedure.

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The Digital Services Coordinator shall, where applicable, specify in the certificate the particular issues to which the body’s expertise relates and the official language or languages of the Union in which the body is capable of settling disputes, as referred to in points (b) and (d) of the first subparagraph, respectively.

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3.If the body decides the dispute in favour of the recipient of the service, the online platform shall reimburse the recipient for any fees and other reasonable expenses that the recipient has paid or is to pay in relation to the dispute settlement. If the body decides the dispute in favour of the online platform, the recipient shall not be required to reimburse any fees or other expenses that the online platform paid or is to pay in relation to the dispute settlement.

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The fees charged by the body for the dispute settlement shall be reasonable and shall in any event not exceed the costs thereof.

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Certified out-of-court dispute settlement bodies shall make the fees, or the mechanisms used to determine the fees, known to the recipient of the services and the online platform concerned before engaging in the dispute settlement.

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4.Member States may establish out-of-court dispute settlement bodies for the purposes of paragraph 1 or support the activities of some or all out-of-court dispute settlement bodies that they have certified in accordance with paragraph 2.

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Member States shall ensure that any of their activities undertaken under the first subparagraph do not affect the ability of their Digital Services Coordinators to certify the bodies concerned in accordance with paragraph 2.

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5.Digital Services Coordinators shall notify to the Commission the out-of-court dispute settlement bodies that they have certified in accordance with paragraph 2, including where applicable the specifications referred to in the second subparagraph of that paragraph. The Commission shall publish a list of those bodies, including those specifications, on a dedicated website, and keep it updated.

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6.This Article is without prejudice to Directive 2013/11/EU and alternative dispute resolution procedures and entities for consumers established under that Directive.

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Article 19 Trusted flaggers

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1.Online platforms shall take the necessary technical and organisational measures to ensure that notices submitted by trusted flaggers through the mechanisms referred to in Article 14, are processed and decided upon with priority and without delay.

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2.The status of trusted flaggers under this Regulation shall be awarded, upon application by any entities, by the Digital Services Coordinator of the Member State in which the applicant is established, where the applicant has demonstrated to meet all of the following conditions:

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(a) it has particular expertise and competence for the purposes of detecting, identifying and notifying illegal content;

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(b) it represents collective interests and is independent from any online platform;

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(c) it carries out its activities for the purposes of submitting notices in a timely, diligent and objective manner.

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3.Digital Services Coordinators shall communicate to the Commission and the Board the names, addresses and electronic mail addresses of the entities to which they have awarded the status of the trusted flagger in accordance with paragraph 2.

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4.The Commission shall publish the information referred to in paragraph 3 in a publicly available database and keep the database updated.

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5.Where an online platform has information indicating that a trusted flagger submitted a significant number of insufficiently precise or inadequately substantiated notices through the mechanisms referred to in Article 14, including information gathered in connection to the processing of complaints through the internal complaint-handling systems referred to in Article 17(3), it shall communicate that information to the Digital Services Coordinator that awarded the status of trusted flagger to the entity concerned, providing the necessary explanations and supporting documents.

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