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FAQ - Discuto

Starting: 23 Jan Ending

0 days left (ends 31 Dec)

Go to discussion, participate and give your opinion


This is the Question & Answer page for Discuto! Please feel free to ask any question in any paragraph of the document, if any feature is not clear enough we will provide a better explanation and update the FAQ accordingly.

Further info

Status: Closed
Privacy: Public


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Q: I want to invite members for my discussion but they do not have an account in Discuto, can I invite them to join my discussion?


A: Yes. Non registered members can be invited just like other members (through their email address) and they will receive an email with the necessary information to create their account and join your discussion.

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Q: I invited members to my discussion by mistake I want to remove them from my discussion. Is it possible?


A: Yes. In the “Invite people” page already joined members are displayed in a table at the bottom. To remove a user from the discussion select the intended user and select “remove” in the dropdown at the top of the table and click “Submit”. The user will be removed and you will receive a message confirming the user was just removed from your discussion.

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Q: I have setup my discussion and invited members. I want other members to be able to invite people and change paragraphs in my discussion. Is it possible?


A: Yes. In the “Invite people” page already joined members are displayed in a table at the bottom. To make a user a moderator select the intended user and select “Make moderator” in the dropdown at the top of the table and click “Submit”. The user role in the discussion will be changed and you will receive a message confirming the user role was changed to moderator in your discussion.

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