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Committee on Legal Affairs 05/03/2015

--- AMENDMENTS 1 - 280 ---

Draft report Julia Reda (PE546.580v02-00) on the implementation of Directive 2001/29/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2001 on the harmonisation of certain aspect

/!\ >> AMENDMENTS 281 - 556 >> There
The draft report is there :  FR , EN , DE 
Next steps : 
March 23/24, 2015 Discussion of these amendments in the Legal Affairs Committee
April 16, 2015 Vote in the Legal Affairs Committee
May 20, 2015 Vote in plenary

Further info

Status: Closed
Privacy: Public


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Amendment 241 Marie-Christine Boutonnet [Add] §5 : 5. recommande au législateur européen de poursuivre la suppression des obstacles à la réutilisation des informations du secteur public en exemptant les œuvres produites par le secteur public de la protection du droit d'auteur, dans le cadre du processus politique, juridique et administratif; supprimé Or. (Origine FR)

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Amendment 242 Jean-Marie Cavada, Therese Comodini Cachia [Add] §5 : 5. recommande au législateur européen de poursuivre la suppression des obstacles à la réutilisation des informations du secteur public en exemptant les œuvres produites par le secteur public de la protection du droit d'auteur, dans le cadre du processus politique, juridique et administratif; supprimé Or. (Origine FR)

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Amendment 243 Therese Comodini Cachia, Rosa Estaràs Ferragut, Luis de Grandes Pascual, Marc Joulaud, Jean-Marie Cavada, Mary Honeyball, József Szájer, Giovanni Toti, Sabine Verheyen [Add] §5 : 5. Recommends that the EU legislator further lower the barriers to the re-use of public sector information by exempting works produced by the public sector [By] as part of the political, legal and administrative process [By] from copyright protection; deleted Or. (Origine EN)

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Amendment 244 Jytte Guteland [Add] §5 : 5. Europaparlamentet rekommenderar att EU:s lagstiftare ytterligare begränsar hindren för vidareutnyttjande av information från den offentliga sektorn genom att undanta verk som producerats av aktörer inom den offentliga sektorn [By] som en del av den politiska, rättsliga och administrativa processen [By] från det upphovsrättsliga skyddet. utgår Or. <Original>{SV}sv</Original>

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Amendment 245 Angel Dzhambazki, Sajjad Karim [Add] §5 : 5. Recommends that the EU legislator further lower the barriers to the re-use of public sector information by exempting works produced by the public sector [By] as part of the political, legal and administrative process [By] from copyright protection; 5. Recommendsreducing the barriers to the re-use of public sector information by encouraging the use of appropriate licensing; Or. (Origine EN)

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Amendment 246 Angelika Niebler [Add] §5 : 5. empfiehlt, das der Unionsgesetzgeber die Hindernisse für die Weiterverwendung von Informationen des öffentlichen Sektors weiter abbaut, indem amtliche Werke, die im Zuge eines politischen, rechtlichen oder administrativen Verfahrens erstellt werden, vom Urheberrechtsschutz ausgenommen werden; 5. empfiehlt, das der Unionsgesetzgeber die Hindernisse für die Weiterverwendung von Informationen des öffentlichen Sektors weiter abbaut; Or. (Origine DE)

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Amendment 247 Victor Negrescu [Add] §5 : 5. Recommends that the EU legislator further lower the barriers to the re-use of public sector information by exempting works produced by the public sector [By] as part of the political, legal and administrative process [By] from copyright protection; 5. Recommends that the EU legislator should, while protecting personal information, further lower the barriers for re-use of public sector information by exempting official works, which are produced by government employees as part of their official duty within the political, legal and administrative process, from copyright protection; Or. (Origine EN)

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Amendment 248 Sergio Gaetano Cofferati, Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg [Add] §5 : 5. raccomanda al legislatore unionale di abbassare ulteriormente gli ostacoli al riutilizzo dell'informazione del settore pubblico, esentando le opere prodotte nel contesto del processo politico, giuridico e amministrativo del settore pubblico dalla protezione del diritto d'autore; 5. raccomanda al legislatore unionale, al fine di difendere l´interesse generale, di abbassare ulteriormente gli ostacoli al riutilizzo dell'informazione del settore pubblico, esentando le opere prodotte nel contesto del processo politico, giuridico e amministrativo del settore pubblico dalla protezione del diritto d'autore; Or. (Origine IT)

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Amendment 249 Enrico Gasbarra, Silvia Costa [Add] §5 : 5. raccomanda al legislatore unionale di abbassare ulteriormente gli ostacoli al riutilizzo dell'informazione del settore pubblico, esentando le opere prodotte nel contesto del processo politico, giuridico e amministrativo del settore pubblico dalla protezione del diritto d'autore; 5. raccomanda al legislatore unionale divalutare come adattare la legislazione in merito alriutilizzo dell'informazione del settore pubblico, tenendo conto dei principi ispiratori del diritto d'autore e della pertinente giurisprudenza della Corte di Giustizia; Or. (Origine IT)

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Amendment 250 Julia Reda, Victor Negrescu, Josef Weidenholzer (EN)
[Want to Change] §5 :
5. Recommends that the EU legislator further lower the barriers to the re-use of public sector information by exempting works produced by the public sector – as part of the political, legal and administrative process from copyright protection;
[By] 5. Recommends that the EU legislator should, while protecting personal information, further lower the barriers for re-use of public sector information by exempting official works, which are produced by government employees as part of their official duty within the political, legal and administrative process, from copyright protection;

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Amendment 251 Angel Dzhambazki, Sajjad Karim [Add] §5 a (new) Motion for a resolution Amendment 5 a. Recalls the adoption of Directive 2013/37/EU on 26 June 2013 on the re-use of public sector information, which provides a common legal framework for an EUmarket for government-held data (public sector information) and includes provisions on transparency and competition; Or. (Origine EN)

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Amendment 252 Constance Le Grip [Add] §6 : 6. demande à la Commission de protéger les œuvres du domaine public, qui ne sont par définition pas soumises à la protection du droit d'auteur et devraient par conséquent pouvoir être utilisées et réutilisées sans obstacles techniques ou contractuels; invite également la Commission à reconnaître la liberté des titulaires de droits de renoncer volontairement à leurs droits et d'abandonner leurs œuvres au domaine public; supprimé Or. (Origine FR)

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Amendment 253 József Szájer [Add] §6 : 6. Calls on the Commission to safeguard public domain works, which are by definition not subject to copyright protection and should therefore be able to be used and re-used without technical or contractual barriers; also calls on the Commission to recognise the freedom of rightholders to voluntarily relinquish their rights and dedicate their works to the public domain; deleted Or. (Origine EN)

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Amendment 254 Angel Dzhambazki, Sajjad Karim [Add] §6 : 6. Calls on the Commission to safeguard public domain works, which are by definition not subject to copyright protection and should therefore be able to be used and re-used without technical or contractual barriers; also calls on the Commission to recognise the freedom of rightholders to voluntarily relinquish their rights and dedicate their works to the public domain; deleted Or. (Origine EN)

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Amendment 255 Axel Voss [Add] §6 : 6. fordert die Kommission auf, für gemeinfreie Werke zu sorgen, die definitionsgemäß nicht dem Urheberrechtschutz unterliegen und daher ohne technische oder vertragliche Hindernisse genutzt und in geänderter Form genutzt werden können; fordert die Kommission auch auf, den Rechtsinhabern die Möglichkeit einzuräumen, freiwillig auf ihre Rechte zu verzichten und ihre Werke gemeinfrei zur Verfügung zu stellen; entfällt Or. (Origine DE)

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Amendment 256 Therese Comodini Cachia, Eva Paunova, Pavel Svoboda, Marc Joulaud, József Szájer, Giovanni Toti, Luis de Grandes Pascual, Rosa Estaràs Ferragut, Sabine Verheyen [Add] §6 : 6. Calls on the Commission to safeguard public domain works, which are by definition not subject to copyright protection and should therefore be able to be used and re-used without technical or contractual barriers; also calls on the Commission to recognise the freedom of rightholders to voluntarily relinquish their rights and dedicate their works to the public domain; deleted Or. (Origine EN)

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Amendment 257 Jean-Marie Cavada [Add] §6 : 6. demande à la Commission de protéger les œuvres du domaine public, qui ne sont par définition pas soumises à la protection du droit d'auteur et devraient par conséquent pouvoir être utilisées et réutilisées sans obstacles techniques ou contractuels; invite également la Commission à reconnaître la liberté des titulaires de droits de renoncer volontairement à leurs droits et d'abandonner leurs œuvres au domaine public; 6. demande à la Commission de protéger les œuvres du domaine public, qui ne sont par définition pas soumises à la protection du droit d'auteur et devraient par conséquent pouvoir être utilisées et réutilisées sans obstacles techniques ou contractuels; Or. (Origine FR)

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Amendment 258 Mary Honeyball, Virginie Rozière, Dietmar Köster [Add] §6 : 6. Calls on the Commission to safeguard public domain works, which are by definition not subject to copyright protection and should therefore be able to be used and re-used without technical or contractual barriers; also calls on the Commission to recognise the freedom of rightholders to voluntarily relinquish their rights and dedicate their works to the public domain; 6. Highlights the need for a common definition of 'public domain' so as to ensure the widespread dissemination of cultural content across the EU; Or. (Origine EN)

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Amendment 259 Juan Fernando López Aguilar, Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto, Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, José Blanco López [Add] §6 : 6. Insta a la Comisión a que proteja las obras de dominio público, que, por definición, no están sujetas a la protección de los derechos de autor y, por lo tanto, deben poder utilizarse y reutilizarse sin obstáculos técnicos o contractuales; insta asimismo a la Comisión a que reconozca la libertad de los titulares de derechos de renunciar voluntariamente a los mismos y dedicar sus obras al dominio público; 6. Insta a la Comisión a que proteja las obras de dominio público, que, por definición, no están sujetas a la protección de los derechos de autor y, por lo tanto, deben poder utilizarse y reutilizarse sin obstáculos técnicos o contractuales; Or. (Origine ES)

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Amendment 260 Helga Trüpel, Heidi Hautala [Add] §6 : 6. fordert die Kommission auf, für gemeinfreie Werke zu sorgen, die definitionsgemäß nicht dem Urheberrechtschutz unterliegen und daher ohne technische oder vertragliche Hindernisse genutzt und in geänderter Form genutzt werden können; fordert die Kommission auch auf, den Rechtsinhabern die Möglichkeit einzuräumen, freiwillig auf ihre Rechte zu verzichten und ihre Werke gemeinfrei zur Verfügung zu stellen; 6. fordert die Kommission auf, für gemeinfreie Werke zu sorgen, die definitionsgemäß nicht dem Urheberrechtschutz unterliegen und daher ohne technische oder vertragliche Hindernisse genutzt und in geänderter Form genutzt werden können;fordert die Kommission auf zu prüfen, inwieweit einzelne Werke aus dem Katalog von Verwertungsgesellschaften für freie Lizenzen/gemeinfreie Nutzung auf Wunsch des Urhebers herausgenommen werden können. Fordert die Kommission auch auf, zu prüfen inwieweit es möglich ist, den Rechtsinhabern die Möglichkeit einzuräumen, freiwillig auf ihre Nutzungsrechte zu verzichten und ihre Werke gemeinfrei zur Verfügung zu stellen; Or. (Origine DE)

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