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Committee on Legal Affairs 05/03/2015

--- AMENDMENTS 1 - 280 ---

Draft report Julia Reda (PE546.580v02-00) on the implementation of Directive 2001/29/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2001 on the harmonisation of certain aspect

/!\ >> AMENDMENTS 281 - 556 >> There
The draft report is there :  FR , EN , DE 
Next steps : 
March 23/24, 2015 Discussion of these amendments in the Legal Affairs Committee
April 16, 2015 Vote in the Legal Affairs Committee
May 20, 2015 Vote in plenary

Further info

Status: Closed
Privacy: Public


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Amendment 161 Helga Trüpel [Add] §2 : 2. stellt mit Besorgnis fest, dass die überwiegende Mehrheit der Endnutzer, die an der Konsultation teilgenommen haben, über Probleme beim Versuch berichten, Zugang zu Online-Diensten über die Grenzen von Mitgliedstaaten hinweg zu erlangen, insbesondere dann, wenn technische Schutzmaßnahmen genutzt werden, um territoriale Beschränkungen durchzusetzen; 2. fordert auf zu prüfen, inwieweit Probleme beim Versuch, Zugang zu Online-Diensten über die Grenzen von Mitgliedstaaten hinweg zu erlangen für die Endnutzer relevant sind, insbesondere wenn technische Schutzmaßnahmen genutzt werden, um territoriale Beschränkungen durchzusetzen; Or. (Origine DE)

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Amendment 162 József Szájer [Add] §2 a (new) Motion for a resolution Amendment 2 a. Emphasizes that any reform of the copyright framework needs to find the right balance between user access and fair remuneration for creators and other rightholders and should take as a basis a high level of protection, and develop an evidence-based approach, taking into consideration the interest of small and medium-sized enterprises, since rights are crucial to intellectual creation and provide a stable, clear and flexible legal base that fosters investment and growth in the creative and cultural sector, whilst removing legal uncertainties and inconsistencies that adversely affect the functioning of the internal market to the prejudice of consumers and rightholders; Or. (Origine EN)

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Amendment 163 Therese Comodini Cachia, Eva Paunova, Pavel Svoboda, Marc Joulaud, Constance Le Grip, József Szájer, Giovanni Toti, Rosa Estaràs Ferragut, Luis de Grandes Pascual, Sabine Verheyen [Add] §2 a (new) Motion for a resolution Amendment 2 a. Emphasizes that any reform of the copyright framework needs to find the right balance between user access and fair remuneration for creators and other rightholders and should take as a basis a high level of protection, and develop an evidence-based approach taking into consideration the interest of small and medium-sized enterprises, since rights are crucial to intellectual creation and provide a stable, clear and flexible legal base that fosters investment and growth in the creative and cultural sector, whilst removing legal uncertainties and inconsistencies that adversely affect the functioning of the internal market to the prejudice of consumers and rightholders; Or. (Origine EN)

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Amendment 164 Angel Dzhambazki, Sajjad Karim [Add] §2 a (new) Motion for a resolution Amendment 2 b. Believes that consumers should be able to access and buy online content from another Member State when it is not accessible from a provider in their own Member State; stresses that clear information should be provided to consumers when purchasing a digital content licenseregarding any geographical limitations of the use of that content; Or. (Origine EN)

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Amendment 165 Angel Dzhambazki, Sajjad Karim [Add] §2 b (new) Motion for a resolution Amendment 2 b. Stresses that the creative ouput of the European Union is one of its richest resources, and those who want to enjoy it should be able to pay to do so, even when it is only sold in another Member State; Or. (Origine EN)

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Amendment 166 Sergio Gaetano Cofferati, Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg, Evelyn Regner [Add] §2 a (new) Motion for a resolution Amendment 2 bis. Ritiene fondamentale, al fine di un pieno e vero sviluppo del Mercato Unico Digitale, una riforma deldiritto d´autore europeoche superi l´attuale quadro di frammentazione tra gli Stati Membri. Considera per questo importante che vi siano regole uniformi a livello europeo, che le normative esistenti siano aggiornate rispetto alla diffusione di nuove tecnologie ed ai comportamenti di utenti e consumatori, che si riconosca la necessità di una remunerazione adeguata per gli autori nel contesto di una loro posizione negoziale rinnovata con gli intermediari; Or. (Origine IT)

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Amendment 167 Jean-Marie Cavada (FR)
[Want to Add] §2 a (new)
Note que les secteurs créatifs et culturels, représentés par les auteurs, interprètes, éditeurs, producteurs, diffuseurs, sociétés de gestion collective et autres ayants droit ainsi que la plupart des États membres s'accordent à considérer que le cadre juridique actuel est adapté et suffisamment souple pour répondre durablement à la demande relative au contenu disponible en ligne dans l'ensemble des États membres;

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Amendment 168 Constance Le Grip, Christian Ehler, Jean-Marie Cavada [Add] §2 a (new) Motion for a resolution Amendment 2 bis. note avecinquiétude la multiplication des services illégaux en ligne et l'augmentation dela piraterie et, de manière plus générale, les atteintes à la propriété intellectuelle, ce qui consitutue une menace sérieusepour les économies des Etats-membres et la création dans l'Union européenne; Or. (Origine FR)

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Amendment 169 Christian Ehler, Sabine Verheyen, Marc Joulaud [Add] §2 a (new) Motion for a resolution Amendment 2 c. Emphasizes that any reform of the copyright framework should take as a basis a high level of protection, since rights are crucial to intellectual creation and provide a stable, clear and flexible legal base that fosters investment and growth in the creative and cultural sector, whilst removing legal uncertainties and inconsistencies that adversely affect the functioning of the internal market; Or. (Origine EN)

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Amendment 170 Christian Ehler, Sabine Verheyen [Add] §2 a (new) Motion for a resolution Amendment 2 d. Neben dem wichtigen Ausbau funktionierender Strukturen für den digitalen Binnenmarkt muss auch das Funktionieren des analogen Binnenmarkts weiterhin gewährleistet werden; Or. (Origine DE)

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Amendment 171 Christian Ehler [Add] §2 b (new) Motion for a resolution Amendment 2 b. Stresses that Europe's cultural and creative industries are an engine for economic growth and job creation in Europe, employing 3.3% of the EU's workforce andgenerating more than 4.2% of the EU's GDP; highlights, however, that recent economic growth in the sector has mainly been generated by its ICT-relatedactivities whereas traditional activities have featured a significant decreaseof their economic contribution and employment rates; Or. (Origine EN)

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Amendment 172 Jean-Marie Cavada [Add] §2 b (new) Motion for a resolution Amendment 2 ter. Rappelle que les industries à forte intensité de droit d'auteur emploient plus de 7 millions de personnes dans l'Union; Invite dès lors la Commission à veiller à ce que toute initiative législative sur la modernisation du droit d'auteur soit précédée d'une évaluation d'impact ex-ante et exhaustive, sur ses effets sur la croissance et l'emploi ainsi que surles coûts et les avantages potentiellement générés par une telle initiative, conformément aux principes de meilleure réglementation; Or. (Origine FR)

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Amendment 173 Constance Le Grip, Christian Ehler, Marc Joulaud, Sabine Verheyen [Add] §2 b (new) Motion for a resolution Amendment 2 ter. Rappelle que les PME dans les secteurs culturels et créatifsfavorisent la compétitivité de l'Union européenneetreprésentent un potentiel de création d'emplois et de croissance considérable; Or. (Origine FR)

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Amendment 174 Christian Ehler, Sabine Verheyen [Add] §2 c (new) Motion for a resolution Amendment 2 c. Emphasises that a reform of the EU's copyright acquis should continue to strengthen Europe's cultural and creative industries by improving legal certainty in the digital sphere for all involved parties, including rightsholders, businesses and users, and bysetting incentives for innovative licensing schemes online and new business models for online distribution of content, thus allowing the sectorto benefit from the digital revolutionwhile safeguarding a balanced value chain; Or. (Origine EN)

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Amendment 175 Jean-Marie Cavada [Add] §2 c (new) Motion for a resolution Amendment 2 quater. souligne que toute révision future du droit d'auteur européen doit être ciblée et reposer sur des données probantes, dans le but d'assurer la poursuite du développement des secteurs créatifs en Europe; Or. (Origine FR)

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Amendment 176 Christian Ehler, Sabine Verheyen, Marc Joulaud [Add] §2 d (new) Motion for a resolution Amendment 2 d. Recognizes that commercial copyright infringing activities pose a serious threat to the functioning of the digital single market and to the development of the legal offer of diversifiedcultural and creative content online; Or. (Origine EN)

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Amendment 177 Christian Ehler, Sabine Verheyen [Add] §2 e (new) Motion for a resolution Amendment 2 e. Deems it indispensible to strengthen the position of authors and creators andimprove their remunerationwithregardto the digital distribution andexploitation of their works; Or. (Origine EN)

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Amendment 178 Kostas Chrysogonos [Add] §3 Motion for a resolution Amendment [By]

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Amendment 179 József Szájer [Add] §3 : 3. Acknowledges the necessity for authors and performers to be provided with legal protection for their creative and artistic work; recognises the role of producers and publishers in bringing works to the market, and the need for appropriate remuneration for all categories of rightholders; calls for improvements to the contractual position of authors and performers in relation to other rightholders and intermediaries; 3. Acknowledges the necessity for authors and performers to be provided with legal protection for their creative and artistic work; recognises the role of producers and publishers in bringing works to the market, and the need for fair compensation for all categories of rightholders; calls for improvements to the contractual position of authors and performers in relation to other rightholders and intermediaries; Or. (Origine EN)

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Amendment 180 Constance Le Grip [Add] §3 : 3. souligne la nécessité d'offrir aux auteurs et aux interprètes ou exécutants une protection juridique en ce qui concerne leur travail créatif et artistique; reconnaît le rôle des producteurs et des éditeurs dans la commercialisation des œuvres, comme la nécessité de garantir une rémunération appropriée à toutes les catégories de titulaires de droits; demande d'améliorer la position contractuelle des auteurs, interprètes ou exécutants par rapport aux autres titulaires de droits et intermédiaires; 3. souligne la nécessité d'offrir aux auteurs et aux interprètes ou exécutants une protection juridique en ce qui concerne leur travail créatif et artistique; reconnaît le rôle des producteurs et des éditeurs dans la commercialisation des œuvres, comme la nécessité de garantir une rémunération appropriée à toutes les catégories de titulaires de droits; demande d'améliorer la position contractuelle des auteurs, interprètes ou exécutants par rapport aux autres titulaires de droits et intermédiaires;demande l'introduction dans la législation européenne des principes fixés par la CJUEquant ausystème de copie privée; Or. (Origine FR)

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