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Committee on Legal Affairs 05/03/2015

--- AMENDMENTS 1 - 280 ---

Draft report Julia Reda (PE546.580v02-00) on the implementation of Directive 2001/29/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2001 on the harmonisation of certain aspect

/!\ >> AMENDMENTS 281 - 556 >> There
The draft report is there :  FR , EN , DE 
Next steps : 
March 23/24, 2015 Discussion of these amendments in the Legal Affairs Committee
April 16, 2015 Vote in the Legal Affairs Committee
May 20, 2015 Vote in plenary

Further info

Status: Closed
Privacy: Public


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Amendment 181 Juan Fernando López Aguilar, Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto, Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, José Blanco López [Add] §3 : 3. Reconoce la necesidad de dotar a los autores e intérpretes de protección jurídica para su trabajo creativo y artístico; reconoce la función de los productores y editores en la comercialización de las obras, así como la necesidad de retribuir adecuadamente a todas las categorías de titulares de derechos; pide que se mejore la posición contractual de autores e intérpretes en relación con otros titulares de derechos e intermediarios; 3. Reconoce la necesidad de dotar a los autores e intérpretes de protección jurídica para su trabajo creativo y artístico; reconoce la función de los productores y editores en la comercialización de las obras, así como la necesidad de retribuir adecuadamente a todas las categorías de titulares de derechos; pide que se mejore la posición negociadora ycontractual de autores e intérpretes en la cadena de valor en la era digital; Or. (Origine ES)

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Amendment 182 Angel Dzhambazki, Sajjad Karim [Add] §3 : 3. Acknowledges the necessity for authors and performers to be provided with legal protection for their creative and artistic work; recognises the role of producers and publishers in bringing works to the market, and the need for appropriate remuneration for all categories of rightholders; calls for improvements to the contractual position of authors and performers in relation to other rightholders and intermediaries; 3. Acknowledges the necessity for authors and performers to be provided with legal protection and appropriate remuneration for theirefforts through others making use of their creative and artistic work, thereby facilitating and encouraging future creativity; recognises the role of producers and publishers in bringing works to the market, and the need for appropriate remuneration for rightholders; recognises the role of effective enforcement in supporting creators and rightsholders; Or. (Origine EN)

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Amendment 183 Angelika Niebler [Add] §3 : 3. erkennt die Notwendigkeit an, Urheber und ausübende Künstler für ihre schöpferische und künstlerische Tätigkeit rechtlichen Schutz zukommen zu lassen; erkennt die Rolle von Produzenten oder Verlegern, Werke auf den Markt zu bringen, und die Notwendigkeit einer angemessenen Vergütung für alle Gruppen von Rechtsinhabern an; fordert eine verbesserte Rechtsstellung von Urhebern und ausübenden Künstlern bei Vertragsverhandlungen mit anderen Rechtsinhabern und Vermittlern; 3. erkennt die Notwendigkeit an, Urheber und ausübende Künstler für ihre schöpferische und künstlerische Tätigkeit rechtlichen Schutz zukommen zu lassen; erkennt die Rolle von Produzenten oder Verlegern, Werke zu produzieren und auf den Markt zu bringen, und die Notwendigkeit einer angemessenen Vergütung für alle Gruppen von Rechtsinhabern an; fordert eineausgewogene Balance zwischen Urhebern, Rechteinhabernund Vermittlern, welche die Interessen aller Beteiligten angemessen berücksichtigen; Or. (Origine DE)

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Amendment 184 Kostas Chrysogo [By]

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Amendment 185 Diane Dodds [Add] §3 : 3. Acknowledges the necessity for authors and performers to be provided with legal protection for their creative and artistic work; recognises the role of producers and publishers in bringing works to the market, and the need for appropriate remuneration for all categories of rightholders; calls for improvements to the contractual position of authors and performers in relation to other rightholders and intermediaries; 3. Acknowledges the necessity for authors and performers to be provided with legal protection for their creative and artistic work; recognises the role of producers and publishers in bringing works to the market, and the need for appropriate remuneration for all categories of rightholders; calls for improvements to the contractual position of authors and performers in relation to other rightholders and intermediaries; stresses the impotance of protections for new businesses and entrepreneurs in the creative industries Or. (Origine EN)

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Amendment 186 Enrico Gasbarra [Add] §3 : 3. riconosce la necessità che gli autori e gli esecutori beneficino di una protezione giuridica delle loro opere creative e artistiche; riconosce il ruolo dei produttori ed editori nel far giungere le opere al mercato e la necessità di una rimunerazione adeguata per tutte le categorie di titolari di diritti; chiede che sia migliorata la posizione contrattuale degli autori ed esecutori rispetto agli altri titolari di diritti e intermediari; 3. riconosce la necessità e il principio giuridico che gli autori e gli esecutori beneficino di una protezione giuridica delle loro opere creative e artistiche; riconosce il ruolo dei produttori ed editori nel far giungere le opere al mercato e la necessità di una rimunerazione adeguata per tutte le categorie di titolari di diritti; ritiene in questo senso particolarmente rilevante accelerare verso la piena trasposizione della direttiva 2014/26 Collective Rights Management; Or. (Origine IT)

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Amendment 187 Pascal Durand [Add] §3 : 3. Acknowledges the necessity for authors and performers to be provided with legal protection for their creative and artistic work; recognises the role of producers and publishers in bringing works to the market, and the need for appropriate remuneration for all categories of rightholders; calls for improvements to the contractual position of authors and performers in relation to other rightholders and intermediaries; 3. Acknowledges the necessity for authors and performers to be provided with legal protection for their creative and artistic work; recognises the role of producers and publishers in bringing works to the market, and the need for appropriate remuneration for all categories of rightholders; calls for improvements to the contractual position of authors and performers in relation to other rightholders and intermediaries, as contractual exchanges are often marked by an imbalance of power between the parties leading to corporations retaining most of the resulting profit, for instance throughright reversion that cannot be waived by contract and that give creators the possibility to retain the right to reclaim copyright interests they have transferred after a set number of years, providing them a second opportunity to negotiate a better return. Or. (Origine EN)

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Amendment 188 Tonino Picula [Add] §3 : [By]

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Amendment 189 Laura Ferrara [Add] §3 : 3. riconosce la necessità che gli autori e gli esecutori beneficino di una protezione giuridica delle loro opere creative e artistiche; riconosce il ruolo dei produttori ed editori nel far giungere le opere al mercato e la necessità di una rimunerazione adeguata per tutte le categorie di titolari di diritti; chiede che sia migliorata la posizione contrattuale degli autori ed esecutori rispetto agli altri titolari di diritti e intermediari; 3. riconosce la necessità che gli autori e gli esecutori beneficino di una protezione giuridica delle loro opere creative e artistiche; riconosce il ruolo dei produttori ed editori nel far giungere le opere al mercato e la necessità di una rimunerazione adeguata per tutte le categorie di titolari di diritti; riconosce l'interesse pubblico alla disseminazione della cultura e della conoscenza; chiede che sia migliorata la posizione contrattuale degli autori ed esecutori rispetto agli altri titolari di diritti e intermediari; Or. (Origine IT)

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Amendment 190 Axel Voss [Add] §3 : 3. erkennt die Notwendigkeit an, Urheber und ausübende Künstler für ihre schöpferische und künstlerische Tätigkeit rechtlichen Schutz zukommen zu lassen; erkennt die Rolle von Produzenten oder Verlegern, Werke auf den Markt zu bringen, und die Notwendigkeit einer angemessenen Vergütung für alle Gruppen von Rechtsinhabern an; fordert eine verbesserte Rechtsstellung von Urhebern und ausübenden Künstlern bei Vertragsverhandlungen mit anderen Rechtsinhabern und Vermittlern; 3. erkennt die Notwendigkeit an, Urheber und ausübende Künstler für ihre schöpferische und künstlerische Tätigkeit rechtlichen Schutz zukommen zu lassen; erkennt die Rolle von Produzenten oder Verlegern, Werke auf den Markt zu bringen, und die Notwendigkeit einer angemessenen Vergütung für alle Gruppen von Rechtsinhabern an; betont hierbei die Wichtigkeit der Vertragsfreiheit; Or. (Origine DE)

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Amendment 191 Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenb [By]

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Amendment 192 Sergio Gaetano Cofferati, Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg, Mary Honeyball [Add] §3 : 3. riconosce la necessità che gli autori e gli esecutori beneficino di una protezione giuridica delle loro opere creative e artistiche; riconosce il ruolo dei produttori ed editori nel far giungere le opere al mercato e la necessità di una rimunerazione adeguata per tutte le categorie di titolari di diritti; chiede che sia migliorata la posizione contrattuale degli autori ed esecutori rispetto agli altri titolari di diritti e intermediari; 3. riconosce la necessità che gli autori e gli esecutori beneficino di una protezione giuridica, moderna e di livello europeo, delle loro opere creative e artistiche; riconosce il ruolo dei produttori ed editori nel far giungere le opere al mercato e la necessità di una rimunerazione adeguata per tutte le categorie di titolari di diritti; chiede che sia migliorata la posizione contrattuale degli autori ed esecutori rispetto agli altri titolari di diritti e intermediari; Or. (Origine IT)

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Amendment 193 Virginie Rozière, Mady Delvaux (FR)
[Want to Change] §3 :
3. souligne la nécessité d'offrir aux auteurs et aux interprètes ou exécutants une protection juridique en ce qui concerne leur travail créatif et artistique; reconnaît le rôle des producteurs et des éditeurs dans la commercialisation des œuvres, comme la nécessité de garantir une rémunération appropriée à toutes les catégories de titulaires de droits; demande d'améliorer la position contractuelle des auteurs, interprètes ou exécutants par rapport aux autres titulaires de droits et intermédiaires;
[By] souligne la nécessité d'offrir aux auteurs et aux interprètes ou exécutants une protection juridique en ce qui concerne leur travail créatif et artistique; reconnaît le rôle des producteurs et des éditeurs dans la commercialisation des œuvres, comme la nécessité de garantir une compensation équitable à toutes les catégories de titulaires de droits; demande aux États membres d'examiner les mesures concrètes qui permettraient de garantir une rémunération équitable aux auteurs, interprètes ou exécutants;

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Amendment 194 Helga Trüpel, Heidi Hautala [Add] §3 : 3. erkennt die Notwendigkeit an, Urheber und ausübende Künstler für ihre schöpferische und künstlerische Tätigkeit rechtlichen Schutz zukommen zu lassen; erkennt die Rolle von Produzenten oder Verlegern, Werke auf den Markt zu bringen, und die Notwendigkeit einer angemessenen Vergütung für alle Gruppen von Rechtsinhabern an; fordert eine verbesserte Rechtsstellung von Urhebern und ausübenden Künstlern bei Vertragsverhandlungen mit anderen Rechtsinhabern und Vermittlern; 3. erkennt die Notwendigkeit an, Urheber und ausübende Künstler für ihre schöpferische und künstlerische Tätigkeit rechtlichen Schutz zukommen zu lassen; erkennt die Rolle von Produzenten oder Verlegern, Werke auf den Markt zu bringen, und die Notwendigkeit einer angemessenen Vergütung für alle Gruppen von Rechtsinhabern - im digitalen Umfeld in gleichem Maße wie in der analogen Welt - an; fordert eine verbesserte Rechtsstellung von Urhebern und ausübenden Künstlern bei Vertragsverhandlungen mit anderen Rechtsinhabern und Vermittlern; Or. (Origine DE)

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Amendment 195 Therese Comodini Cachia, Pavel Svoboda, Marc Joulaud, József Szájer, Luis de Grandes Pascual, Rosa Estaràs Ferragut, Sabine Verheyen [Add] §3 : 3. Acknowledges the necessity for authors and performers to be provided with legal protection for their creative and artistic work; recognises the role of producers and publishers in bringing works to the market, and the need for appropriate remuneration for all categories of rightholders; calls for improvements to the contractual position of authors and performers in relation to other rightholders and intermediaries; 3. Acknowledges the necessity for authors and performers to be provided with legal protection for their creative and artistic work; recognises the role of producers and publishers in bringing works to the market, and the need for fair compensation for all categories of rightholders; calls for improvements to the contractual position of authors and performers in relation to other rightholders and intermediaries; Or. (Origine EN)

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Amendment 196 Mary Honeyball, Dietmar Köster [Add] §3 : 3. Acknowledges the necessity for authors and performers to be provided with legal protection for their creative and artistic work; recognises the role of producers and publishers in bringing works to the market, and the need for appropriate remuneration for all categories of rightholders; calls for improvements to the contractual position of authors and performers in relation to other rightholders and intermediaries; 3. Acknowledges the necessity for authors and performers to be provided with legal protection for their creative and artistic work; recognises the role of producers and publishers in bringing works to the market, and the need forfair remuneration and compensationfor all categories of rightholders; calls for improvements to the contractual position of creators in relation to other rightholders and intermediaries; Or. (Origine EN)

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Amendment 197 Mary Honeyball, Evelyn Regner, Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg [Add] §3 [By] subparagraph 1 (new) Motion for a resolution Amendment Emphasises that any reform of the copyright framework needs to find the right balance between user access and fair remuneration and compensation for creators and other rightholders and should take as a basis the rights of creators, while taking into consideration the interest of small and medium-sized enterprises, since rights are crucial to intellectual creation and provide a stable, clear and flexible legal base that fosters investment and growth in the creative and cultural sector, whilst removing legal uncertainties and inconsistencies that adversely affect the functioning of the internal market to the prejudice of consumers and rightholders; Or. (Origine EN)

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Amendment 198 Helga Trüpel, Heidi Hautala [Add] §3 a (new) Motion for a resolution Amendment 3 a. stellt fest, dass ein verhältnismäßiger Schutz von urheberrechtlich geschützten Werken und sonstigen Schutzgegenständen auch kulturell gesehen von großer Bedeutung ist. Nach Artikel 167 des Vertrags hat die Gemeinschaft bei ihrer Tätigkeit den kulturellen Aspekten Rechnung zu tragen; Or. (Origine DE)

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Amendment 199 Helga Trüpel, Heidi Hautala [Add] §3 b (new) Motion for a resolution Amendment 3 b. betont, dass Urheber und ausübende Künstler im digitalen Umfeld in gleichem Maße wie in der analogen Welt eine angemessene Vergütung erhalten müssen; Or. (Origine DE)

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Amendment 200 Julia Reda, Josef Weidenholzer (EN)
[Want to Add] §3 c (new)
3 c. Calls for the introduction of Community provisions in the area of contract law applicable to copyright, particularly safeguarding authors' rights to bring their works to the market in case a rightholder has refrained from making use of an exclusive right to the work in question for an extended period of time;

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