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Committee on Legal Affairs 05/03/2015
--- AMENDMENTS 281 - 556 ---
Draft report Julia Reda (PE546.580v02-00) on the implementation of Directive 2001/29/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2001 on the harmonisation of certain aspect
/!\ >> AMENDMENTS 1 - 280 >> There
The draft report is there : FR , EN , DE
Next steps :
March 23/24, 2015 Discussion of these amendments in the Legal Affairs Committee
April 16, 2015 Vote in the Legal Affairs Committee
May 20, 2015 Vote in plenary
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Amendment 281 Kostas Chrysogonos, Jirí Maštálka [Change] §7 - Motion for a resolution [By] 7. Calls on the Commission to harmonise the term of protection of copyright to a duration that does not exceed the current international standards set out in the Berne Convention; 7. Notes that the term of protection of copyright has been harmonised at EU level by Directive 2006/116/EC (which was revised by Directive 2011/77/EU) without prejudice to the current international standards set out in the Berne Convention; and encourages Member States to finalise the transposition and implementation of this directive in a streamlined manner;Or. (Origine EN)
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Amendment 282 Helga Trüpel, Heidi Hautala [Change] §7 - Motion for a resolution [By] 7. fordert die Kommission auf, die Schutzdauer des Urheberrechts auf eine Dauer zu harmonisieren, die nicht die derzeit geltenden internationalen Standards der Berner Übereinkunft überschreitet; 7. fordert die Kommission auf, die Schutzdauer des Urheberrechts auf eine Dauer zu harmonisieren, die nicht die derzeit geltenden internationalen Standards der Berner Übereinkunft unterschreitet und eine weitere Ausdehnung der Schutzfristen unterläss;Or. <Original>{DE}de</Original>
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Amendment 283 Julia Reda, Josef Weidenholzer [Change] § 7 a (new) : 7 a. Notes that the current legal Acquis recognises the full harmonisation of exclusive rights, whereas exceptions and limitations to exclusive rights remain optional and not harmonised;Or. (Origine EN)
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Amendment 284 Julia Reda, Josef Weidenholzer [Change] § 7 b (new) : 7 b. Notes the significant number of suggestions that have been put forward in the replies to the consultation of the Commission on the review of the EU copyright rules, to introduce new exceptions and limitations to exclusive rights, as well as broadening the scope of existing exceptions;Or. (Origine EN)
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Amendment 286 Laura Ferrara [Change] § 8 Motion for a resolution [By] 8. invita il legislatore unionale a rimanere fedele all'obiettivo della direttiva 2001/29/CE di garantire un giusto equilibrio tra le varie categorie di titolari e utenti dei materiali protetti, nonché tra le varie categorie di titolari di diritti; 8. invita il legislatore unionale a rimanere fedele all'obiettivo della direttiva 2001/29/CE di garantire un giusto equilibrio tra le varie categorie di titolari e utenti dei contenuti protetti, nonché tra le varie categorie di titolari di diritti;Or. (Origine IT)
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Amendment 288 Pascal Durand [Change] § 8 a (new) : 8 a Recalls that Member States have a positive obligation to provide for a robust andflexible system of copyright exceptions and limitations in order to honour their humanrights obligationsOr. (Origine EN)
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Amendment 289 Juan Fernando López Aguilar, Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto, Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, José Blanco López [Change] § 8 b (new) : 8 b. Destaca que cualquier cambio legislativo en este ámbito debe garantizar la accesibilidad para las personas con discapacidad a las obras y servicios protegidos por derechos de autor y derechos conexos yadaptarse al entorno digital;Or. (Origine ES)
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Amendment 290 Marie-Christine Boutonnet [Change] § 9 Motion for a resolution [By] 9. observe que les exceptions et limitations dans l'environnement numérique devraient être exercées sans la moindre inégalité de traitement par rapport à celles accordées dans le monde analogique; 9. Les marchés numériques et analogiques sont différents. Il conviendrait d'utiliser les techniques mises en place depuis l'entrée en vigueur de la directive 2001/29/CE.Or. (Origine FR)
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Amendment 291 Enrico Gasbarra [Change] § 9 Motion for a resolution [By] 9. osserva che le eccezioni e limitazioni nel contesto digitale dovrebbero essere riconosciute senza alcuna disparità di trattamento rispetto a quelle concesse nel mondo analogico; 9. invita con forza la Commissione adadattare e a uniformarele eccezioni e limitazioniconsentite nel quadro normativo del mondo analogico al nuovo scenario rappresentato dal paradigma digitale ed in particolare dalle tecnologie di cloud computing;Or. (Origine IT)
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Amendment 292 Jean-Marie Cavada, Virginie Rozière (FR)
[Want to Change] § 9
observe que les exceptions et limitations dans l'environnement numérique devraient être exercées sans la moindre inégalité de traitement par rapport à celles accordées dans le monde analogique;
[By] 9. observe que les exceptions et limitations doivent être appliquées en tenant compte des caractéristiques propres à l'environnement numérique et à l'environnement analogique;
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Amendment 293 József Szájer [Change] § 9 Motion for a resolution [By] 9. Notes that exceptions and limitations in the digital environment should be enjoyed without any unequal treatment as compared with those granted in the analogue world; 9. Notes that technological changes have led to renewed interest in exceptions and limitations, especially their role in the digital environment and considers that the rights enjoyed by the creators of work in the digital world should be identical to those enjoyed in the analogue world, subject to the exceptions and limitations set out. Recognises that further analysis of the exceptions and limitations is sought so as to consider how these can serve the public in the digital age;Or. (Origine EN)
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Amendment 294 Inês Cristina Zuber [Change] § 9 Motion for a resolution [By] 9. Observa que as exceções e limitações no ambiente digital devem ser tratadas da mesma forma que as concedidas no mundo analógico; 9. Observa que as excepções devem servir os propósitos com que foram criadas e não a criação de novos modelos de negócio.Or. <Original>{PT}pt</Original>
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Amendment 295 Angel Dzhambazki, Sajjad Karim [Change] § 9 Motion for a resolution [By] 9. Notes that exceptions and limitations in the digital environment should be enjoyed without any unequal treatment as compared with those granted in the analogue world; 9. Notes the importance of exceptions and limitations in the digital environmentbeing technologically neutral, where possible, and accessible for persons with disabilities; in this regard, notes the conclusion of the Marrakesh Treaty, which will facilitiate access for the visual impaired for books, and encourages ratification in early course; believes that the Treaty is a good step forward, but that much work remains to be done in order to open up access to content for people with disabilities, in addition to those affected by visual impairment;Or. (Origine EN)
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Amendment 296 Constance Le Grip, Marc Joulaud, Sabine Verheyen (FR)
[Want to Change] § 9
observe que les exceptions et limitations dans l'environnement numérique devraient être exercées sans la moindre inégalité de traitement par rapport à celles accordées dans le monde analogique;
[By] 9. note que les exceptions et limitations dans l'environnement numérique ne peuvent pas être exercées de la même manière dans dans l'environnement numérique et dans le monde analogique; demande que les exceptions et limitations soient modulées en fonction de l'environnement dans lequel elles s'appliquent;
(Les deux marchés ne fonctionnent pas du tout de la même façon.)
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Amendment 297 Therese Comodini Cachia, Eva Paunova, Pavel Svoboda, József Szájer, Giovanni Toti, Rosa Estaràs Ferragut, Luis de Grandes Pascual, Milan Zver, Sabine Verheyen [Change] § 9 Motion for a resolution [By] 9. Notes that exceptions and limitations in the digital environment should be enjoyed without any unequal treatment as compared with those granted in the analogue world; 9. Notes that technological changes have led to renewed interest in exceptions and limitations, especially their role in the digital environment and considers that the rights enjoyed by the creators of work in the digital world should be identical to those enjoyed in the analogue world, subject to the exceptions and limitations set out. Recognises that further analysis of the exceptions and limitations is sought so as to consider how these can serve the public in the digital age;Or. (Origine EN)
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Amendment 298 Mary Honeyball, Silvia Costa [Change] § 9 Motion for a resolution [By] 9. Notes that exceptions and limitations in the digital environment should be enjoyed without any unequal treatment as compared with those granted in the analogue world; 9. Notes that technological changes have led to renewed interest inexceptions and limitations, especially their rolein the digital environment and considers that the rights enjoyed by the creators of work in the digital world should be identical to those enjoyed in the analogue world, subject to the exceptions and limitations set out. Recognises that further analysis of the application of the exceptions and limitations is required so as to consider how these can serve the public in the digital age;Or. (Origine EN)
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Amendment 300 Angelika Niebler [Change] § 9 Motion for a resolution [By] 9. stellt fest, dass Ausnahmen und Beschränkungen im digitalen Umfeld in gleichem Maße wie in der analogen Welt gewährt werden sollten; 9. fordert die Kommission auf, sorgfältig zu prüfen, inwieweiteine direkte Übertragung der Ausnahmen und Beschränkungen aus der analogen Welt in eindigitales Umfeld praktikabel ist; betont gleichzeitig, dass auch im digitalen Zeitalter der Anspruch des Urhebers auf Schutz seiner kreativen Leistung bestehen muss;Or. <Original>{DE}de</Original>
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