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Committee on Legal Affairs 05/03/2015
--- AMENDMENTS 281 - 556 ---
Draft report Julia Reda (PE546.580v02-00) on the implementation of Directive 2001/29/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2001 on the harmonisation of certain aspect
/!\ >> AMENDMENTS 1 - 280 >> There
The draft report is there : FR , EN , DE
Next steps :
March 23/24, 2015 Discussion of these amendments in the Legal Affairs Committee
April 16, 2015 Vote in the Legal Affairs Committee
May 20, 2015 Vote in plenary
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Amendment 321 Julia Reda, Christian Ehler, Josef Weidenholzer [Change] § 10 Motion for a resolution [By] 10. Views with concern the increasing impact of differences among Member States in the implementation of exceptions, which creates legal uncertainty and has direct negative effects on the functioning of the digital single market, in view of the development of cross-border activities; 10. Views with concern the increasing impact of differences among Member States in the implementation of exceptions, which creates legal uncertainty and has direct negative effects on the functioning of the digital single market, in view of the development of cross-border activities and EU global competitiveness and innovation;Or. (Origine EN)
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Amendment 322 Pascal Durand [Change] § 10 a (new) : 10 a Emphasizes that industry geoblocking practices should not prevent cultural minorities living in EU Member States from accessing existing contents or services in their language that are either free or paid for;Or. (Origine EN)
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Amendment 323 Christian Ehler, Sabine Verheyen, Marc Joulaud [Change] § 10 b (new) : 10 b. Supports the initiatives aimed at enhancing the portability, within the EU, of online services of legally acquired and legally made available content, whilst fully respecting copyrights and the interests of right-holders;Or. (Origine EN)
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Amendment 324 Marietje Schaake [Change] § 10 c (new) : 10 c. Calls for modern, harmonized EU wide copyright, to ensure innovative startups can flourish and roll out their services on a single European digital market;Or. (Origine EN)
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Amendment 325 Christian Ehler, Sabine Verheyen, Marc Joulaud [Change] § 10 d (new) : 10 d. Recalls that the European cultural markets are naturally heterogeneous because of the European cultural and linguistic diversity, notes that this diversity should be considered as a benefit rather than an obstacle to the Single Market;Or. (Origine EN)
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Amendment 326 Christian Ehler, Sabine Verheyen, Marc Joulaud [Change] § 10 e (new) : 10 e. Takes note of the importance of territorial licenses in the EU, particularly with regards to audiovisual and film production which is primarily based on broadcasters pre-purchase or pre-financing systems;Or. (Origine EN)
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Amendment 328 Constance Le Grip (FR)
[Want to Delete] § 11
11. demande à la Commission de rendre toutes les exceptions et limitations visées dans la directive 2001/29/CE obligatoires en vue de permettre un accès égal à la diversité culturelle par-delà les frontières dans le marché intérieur et d'améliorer la sécurité juridique;
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Amendment 329 Virginie Rozière (FR)
[Want to Delete] § 11
11. demande à la Commission de rendre toutes les exceptions et limitations visées dans la directive 2001/29/CE obligatoires en vue de permettre un accès égal à la diversité culturelle par-delà les frontières dans le marché intérieur et d'améliorer la sécurité juridique;
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Amendment 330 Angelika Niebler [Change] § 11 Motion for a resolution [By] 11. fordert die Kommission auf, alle Ausnahmen und Beschränkungen der Richtlinie 2001/29/EG als zwingend vorzusehen, um innerhalb des Binnenmarkts gleichen Zugang zu kultureller Vielfalt über Grenzen hinweg zu ermöglichen und die Rechtssicherheit zu verbessern; entfälltOr. <Original>{DE}de</Original>
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Amendment 332 Marie-Christine Boutonnet [Change] § 11 Motion for a resolution [By] 11. demande à la Commission de rendre toutes les exceptions et limitations visées dans la directive 2001/29/CE obligatoires en vue de permettre un accès égal à la diversité culturelle par-delà les frontières dans le marché intérieur et d'améliorer la sécurité juridique; suppriméOr. (Origine FR)
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Amendment 333 Eva Paunova [Change] § 11 Motion for a resolution [By] 11. Calls on the Commission to make mandatory all the exceptions and limitations referred to in Directive 2001/29/EC, to allow equal access to cultural diversity across borders within the internal market and to improve legal certainty; deletedOr. (Origine EN)
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Amendment 334 Axel Voss [Change] § 11 Motion for a resolution [By] 11. fordert die Kommission auf, alle Ausnahmen und Beschränkungen der Richtlinie 2001/29/EG als zwingend vorzusehen, um innerhalb des Binnenmarkts gleichen Zugang zu kultureller Vielfalt über Grenzen hinweg zu ermöglichen und die Rechtssicherheit zu verbessern; 11. fordert die Kommission auf, sicherzustellen, dass alle Ausnahmen und Beschränkungen der Richtlinie 2001/29/EG angemessen umgesetzt werden, dass innerhalb des Binnenmarkts gleicher Zugang zu kultureller Vielfalt über Grenzen hinweggefördert und die Rechtssicherheit verbessert wird, unter Berücksichtigung des Subsidiaritätsprinzips, der kulturellen und rechtlichen Besonderheiten innerhalb der Mitgliedstaaten und einer eindeutig nachgewiesenen grenzübergreifenden Wirkung der jeweiligen Ausnahmen und Beschränkungen;Or. <Original>{DE}de</Original>
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Amendment 335 Jean-Marie Cavada (FR)
[Want to Change] § 11
demande à la Commission de rendre toutes les exceptions et limitations visées dans la directive 2001/29/CE obligatoires en vue de permettre un accès égal à la diversité culturelle par-delà les frontières dans le marché intérieur et d'améliorer la sécurité juridique;
[By] 11. demande à la Commission de veiller à la bonne mise en oeuvre des exceptions et limitations et de fournir toutes les informations nécessaires pour promouvoir un accès égal à la diversité culturelle par-delà les frontières dans le marché intérieur et d'améliorer la sécurité juridique;
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Amendment 336 Tadeusz Zwiefka, Bogdan Brunon Wenta [Change] § 11 Motion for a resolution [By] 11. Calls on the Commission to make mandatory all the exceptions and limitations referred to in Directive 2001/29/EC, to allow equal access to cultural diversity across borders within the internal market and to improve legal certainty; 11. unedrlines thatthe exceptions and limitations referred to in Directive 2001/29/EC should be implementedin a wayto allow equal access to cultural diversity across borders within the internal market and to improve legal certainty;Or. (Origine EN)
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Amendment 337 Juan Fernando López Aguilar, Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto, Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, José Blanco López [Change] § 11 Motion for a resolution [By] 11. Insta a la Comisión a que disponga la obligatoriedad de todas las excepciones y limitaciones contempladas en la Directiva 2001/29/CE, permita un acceso igual a la diversidad cultural a través de las fronteras dentro del mercado interior e incremente la seguridad jurídica; 11. Insta a la Comisión a que estudie una armonización de mínimosde las excepciones y limitaciones contempladas en la Directiva 2001/29/CE, permita un acceso igual a la diversidad cultural a través de las fronteras dentro del mercado interior e incremente la seguridad jurídica;Or. (Origine ES)
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Amendment 338 Angel Dzhambazki, Sajjad Karim [Change] § 11 Motion for a resolution [By] 11. Calls on the Commission to make mandatory all the exceptions and limitations referred to in Directive 2001/29/EC, to allow equal access to cultural diversity across borders within the internal market and to improve legal certainty; 11. Calls on the Commission to enhance the provision of information to creators andconsumers regardingexceptions and limitations in all Member States to improve legal certainty;Or. (Origine EN)
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Amendment 339 József Szájer [Change] § 11 Motion for a resolution [By] 11. Calls on the Commission to make mandatory all the exceptions and limitations referred to in Directive 2001/29/EC, to allow equal access to cultural diversity across borders within the internal market and to improve legal certainty; 11. Calls on the Commission to ensure the proper implementation of all the exceptions and limitations referred to in Directive 2001/29/EC, and to provide all necessary information to promote an equal access to cultural diversity across borders within the internal market and to improve legal certainty, while ensuring respect for the principle of subsidiarity, cultural diversityand evidence of clear cross-border impact;Or. (Origine EN)
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Amendment 340 Cecilia Wikström [Change] § 11 Motion for a resolution [By] 11. Calls on the Commission to make mandatory all the exceptions and limitations referred to in Directive 2001/29/EC, to allow equal access to cultural diversity across borders within the internal market and to improve legal certainty; 11. Calls on the Commission to propose a list of mandatory exceptions and limitations in its review ofDirective 2001/29/EC, as this would allow equal access to cultural diversity across borders within the internal market and improve legal certainty;Or. (Origine EN)
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