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UK Open Government Action Plan Consultation
The UK Open Government Civil Society Network is collecting ideas from anyone committed to the values of transparency, citizen participation and accountability, for reforms the UK Government should commit to in its 2018-2020 Open Government Action Plan.
0 days left (ends 06 Apr)
What is Open Government?
Open government is the simple but powerful idea that governments work better for citizens when they are transparent, participatory and accountable.
Open government reforms can transform the way government and public services work, ensuring that they are properly responsive to citizens, and helping deliver better outcomes for society. Good health and wellbeing, quality education, affordable and clean energy, decent work and economic growth, reduced inequalities, sustainable cities and communities - open government is critical to achieving all of these outcomes and more.
What are we doing?
The UK Open Government Network is collecting ideas for reforms the UK Government should commit to in its 2018-2020 Open Government Action Plan from citizens, community groups, civil society organisations, and anyone else committed to the values of transparency, citizen participation and accountability (in other words, you!).
The strongest ideas will have a clear explanation of what is being proposed and why. Please consider structuring your idea according to these three questions:
- What is your idea? - Brief summary of the idea
- Why is it important? - Explanation of what problem the idea would help solve (including any evidence)
- How would it work? - Explanation of how the idea would work in practice
At the end of this crowdsourcing phase, the Open Government Network will prioritise and develop the best ideas into a set of proposals to present to the government and advocate for.
Join the Open Government Network to help prioritise and campaign for the ideas!
Submit your idea!
Further info

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