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Join more than 15000 decision makers on Discuto

Reaching consensus with groups larger than 5 people on any other platform or service is a pain. Discuto helps you get everyone on the same page.

Discuto highlights controversies and suggests where to dive in the conversation, making the decision process easier to manage. What's more is that it only takes a few seconds to set up your first discussion, be it a private or public one.

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Test the new Discuto productivity features for 14 days and discover how track change, text annotations, contributions by your collaborators, additional information, dedicated page, and document download will make you more productive.


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The discussion went exceptionally well and demonstrated the great potential of Discuto's approach

Prof. Michael Meyer

Vice Chancellor Human Resources, Vienna University of Economics and Business

Discuto is easy discussing

Start by uploading your document. Next, invite your community to collaborate on your document. Voting and commenting identifies controversial issue. Then develop solutions in your group.


Watch a how to video of how to use discuto


Check out the brand new Android App

The Discuto App for Android is available for free! Vote, comment and manage discussions from your mobile. Click the link below to download it

Why use Discuto?

Instant discussions

Create or upload a document within seconds. Ask for comments, organise feedback, download completed discussions.

Real-time, scalable polls

People can vote for and against individual paragraphs — perfect for measuring consensus among large groups.

Discussions stay focused

Comments and threads are neatly organised so you never lose track of conversations.

Everyone together, anywhere

Discuto is secure, cloud-based, and integrates seamlessly with Drive. Works on all devices, and available on Android.