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Whistleblowing is one the most effective ways of preventing or uncovering wrongdoing, as demonstrated by recent scandals uncovered by whistle-blowers, such as illegal mass surveillance, industrial scale tax avoidance or the sexual abuse of children by peacekeepers. According to a recent study analysing more than 2400 cases of fraud in 114 countries, about 40 per cent of all detected fraud cases are uncovered by whistle-blowers.[1]

Change of Direction 01.09.2016 - 13:32
We prefer the wording as "Whistleblowing is one the most effective ways of uncovering and remedying wrongdoings, as demonstrated by the many recent scandals and misconduct uncovered by whistleblowers, such as illegal mass surveillance, industrial scale tax avoidance and the sexual abuse of children by peacekeepers. According to a recent study analysing more than 2400 cases of fraud in 114 countries, about 40 per cent of all detected fraud cases are uncovered by whistleblowers." Note: it is not clear what the role of the WB is in “preventing” wrongdoing (all examples make reference to uncovering it, which is quite sensible). We have included language saying uncovering and remedying wrongdoings.
Eurocadres 31.08.2016 - 15:35
Language: Whistleblowers and whistleblowing. (Now whistle-blowers and whistle-blowing, with hyphen, is also used. Choose one and stick with it. Preferably the one without hyphen.)
mkapardis@gmail.com 17.08.2016 - 12:02
A survey of whistleblower and intended whistleblowers has highlighted the profile of the whistleblower in the March 2016 Accountancy Cyprus article in p. 94-95 https://www.icpac.org.cy/selk/en/common/PreviewDocument.ashx?temId=1550&refItemId=T470DOCUMENTS&refTableId=470&language=EN and pp98-99 in the July issue of Accountancy Cyprus have highlighted the gaps in existing legislations. file:///C:/Users/Maria%20Kapardis%202/Documents/Documents/MK%20computer/maria/transparency%20international/media/Accountancy%20Articles/Accountancy_123_July%202016.pdf
HPG-HH 17.08.2016 - 12:37
Both links seem not to work for me. Would be highly interested to read the referenced texts.
PamBQ 24.08.2016 - 12:50
I managed to find the Accountancy Cyprus article here (click on Issue 122, March 2016): http://www.icpac.org.cy/selk/en/magazine.aspx?catId=1134&catnm=Accountancy+Cyprus+2016&sid=