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Committee on Legal Affairs 05/03/2015
--- AMENDMENTS 281 - 556 ---
Draft report Julia Reda (PE546.580v02-00) on the implementation of Directive 2001/29/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2001 on the harmonisation of certain aspect
/!\ >> AMENDMENTS 1 - 280 >> There
The draft report is there : FR , EN , DE
Next steps :
March 23/24, 2015 Discussion of these amendments in the Legal Affairs Committee
April 16, 2015 Vote in the Legal Affairs Committee
May 20, 2015 Vote in plenary
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Amendment 482 Victor Negrescu [Change] § 20 Motion for a resolution [By] 20. Calls for the adoption of a mandatory exception allowing libraries to lend books to the public in digital formats, irrespective of the place of access; 20. Calls for the adoption of a mandatory exception allowing public and research libraries to lend books to the public in digital formats for personal use, irrespective of the place of access; recommends that authors should be compensated for e-lending through a statutory licence to the same extent as this is the case for the lending of physical books;Or. (Origine EN)
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Amendment 483 Juan Fernando López Aguilar, Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto, Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, José Blanco López [Change] § 20 Motion for a resolution [By] 20. Pide que se adopte una excepción obligatoria por la que las bibliotecas puedan prestar libros en formato digital al público, con independencia del lugar de acceso; 20. Pide a la Comisión que estudie vías para que las bibliotecas puedan prestar libros en formato digital al público garantizando la normativa en materia de derechos de autor y la remuneración justa de los mismos;Or. (Origine ES)
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Amendment 484 Helga Trüpel, Heidi Hautala [Change] § 20 Motion for a resolution [By] 20. fordert die Annahme einer zwingenden Ausnahme, die es Bibliotheken gestattet, Bücher in digitalen Formaten, unabhängig vom Ort des Zugangs, an die Öffentlichkeit zu verleihen; 20. fordert die Kommission auf, die Einführung einer Ausnahme zu prüfen, die es Bibliotheken gestattet, Bücher in digitalen Formaten, unabhängig vom Ort des Zugangs der Öffentlichkeit zu verleihen, unter der Voraussetzung der finanziellen Kompensation (Bibliothekstantieme)Or. <Original>{DE}de</Original>
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Amendment 485 Sergio Gaetano Cofferati, Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg, Evelyn Regner [Change] § 20 Motion for a resolution [By] 20. chiede l'adozione di un'eccezione obbligatoria che consenta alle biblioteche di prestare al pubblico libri in formato digitale, a prescindere dal luogo di accesso; 20. chiede l'adozione di un'eccezione obbligatoria che consenta alle biblioteche di prestare al pubblico libri in formato digitale, a prescindere dal luogo di accesso, affinhé il loro compito di interesse pubblico di divulgazionepossa esseresvolto in maniera effettiva ed aggiornata;Or. (Origine IT)
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Amendment 486 Julia Reda, Victor Negrescu, Josef Weidenholzer [Change] § 20 Motion for a resolution [By] 20. Calls for the adoption of a mandatory exception allowing libraries to lend books to the public in digital formats, irrespective of the place of access; 20. Calls for the adoption of a mandatory exception allowing public and research libraries to lend books to the public in digital formats for personal use, irrespective of the place of access; recommends that authors should be compensated for e-lending through a statutory licence to the same extent as this is the case for the lending of physical books;Or. (Origine EN)
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Amendment 487 Pascal Durand [Change] § 20 a (new) : 20 a Stresses the need to ensure the swift ratification of the Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons Who Are Blind, Visually Impaired, or Otherwise Print Disabled, without making the ratification conditional to the revision of the EU legal framework on copyright, and then ensure that the copyright laws of Member States contain adequate exceptions tofacilitate the availability of works in formats accessible to persons with visual impairments and other disabilities, such as deafness.Or. (Origine EN)
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Amendment 488 Laura Ferrara [Change] § 20 b (new) : 20 b. chiede l'adozione di una eccezione obbligatoria che consenta alle biblioteche di digitalizzare contenuti per finalità di consultazione, catalogazionee archivio;Or. (Origine IT)
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Amendment 490 Jean-Marie Cavada (FR)
[Want to Delete] § 21
21. demande au législateur européen d'empêcher les États membres d'introduire des licences légales visant à compenser les titulaires de droits du préjudice causé par des actes permis par une exception;
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Amendment 491 Tadeusz Zwiefka, Bogdan Brunon Wenta [Change] § 21 Motion for a resolution [By] 21. Calls on the EU legislator to preclude Member States from introducing statutory licences for the compensation of rightholders for the harm caused by acts made permissible by an exception; deletedOr. (Origine EN)
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Amendment 493 Marie-Christine Boutonnet [Change] § 21 Motion for a resolution [By] 21. demande au législateur européen d'empêcher les États membres d'introduire des licences légales visant à compenser les titulaires de droits du préjudice causé par des actes permis par une exception; 21. Le système actuel de licences actuellement utilisé est à améliorer avec prudence.Or. (Origine FR)
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Amendment 494 József Szájer [Change] § 21 Motion for a resolution [By] 21. Calls on the EU legislator to preclude Member States from introducing statutory licences for the compensation of rightholders for the harm caused by acts made permissible by an exception; 21. Invites the Commission to analyse the necessity of measures, if any, to be implemented by Member States so as to provide compensation to rightholders for the harm caused by acts made permissible by an exception, while they should ensure that rightholders receive fair compensation and that the exceptions or limitations do not conflict with a normal exploitation of the work or subject-matter and do not unreasonably prejudice the legitimate interests of the rightholders ;Or. (Origine EN)
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Amendment 495 Therese Comodini Cachia, Mary Honeyball, Marc Joulaud, József Szájer, Giovanni Toti, Luis de Grandes Pascual, Rosa Estaràs Ferragut, Sabine Verheyen [Change] § 21 Motion for a resolution [By] 21. Calls on the EU legislator to preclude Member States from introducing statutory licences for the compensation of rightholders for the harm caused by acts made permissible by an exception; 21. Invites the Commission to analyse the necessity of measures, if any, to be implemented by Member States so as to provide compensation to rightholders for the harm caused by acts made permissible by an exception while they should ensure that rightholders receive fair compensation and that the exceptions or limitations do not conflict with a normal exploitation of the work or subject-matter and do not unreasonably prejudice the legitimate interests of the rightholder;Or. (Origine EN)
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Amendment 496 Constance Le Grip [Change] § 21 Motion for a resolution [By] 21. demande au législateur européen d'empêcher les États membres d'introduire des licences légales visant à compenser les titulaires de droits du préjudice causé par des actes permis par une exception; 21. demande au législateur européen de veiller à ce que soient prévues, par lesEtats-membres,des mesures nécessaires pour compenser le préjudice causé aux ayants-droits par des actes permis par une exception.Or. (Origine FR)
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Amendment 497 Virginie Rozière (FR)
[Want to Change] § 21
demande au législateur européen d'empêcher les États membres d'introduire des licences légales visant à compenser les titulaires de droits du préjudice causé par des actes permis par une exception;
[By] 21. demande au législateur européen de continuer à garantir aux États membres la possibilité de compenser les titulaires de droits du préjudice causé par des actes permis par une exception;
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Amendment 498 Angelika Niebler [Change] § 21 Motion for a resolution [By] 21. fordert den Gesetzgeber der EU auf zu verhindern, dass Mitgliedstaaten gesetzliche Lizenzen zur Entschädigung von Rechtsinhabern für den Schaden einführen, der ihnen durch eine Handlung entsteht, die aufgrund einer Ausnahme zulässig ist; 21. achtet die Möglichkeit fürMitgliedstaaten, gesetzliche Lizenzen zur Entschädigung von Rechtsinhabern für den Schaden einzuführen, der ihnen durch eine Handlung entsteht, die aufgrund einer Ausnahme zulässig ist;Or. <Original>{DE}de</Original>
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Amendment 499 Axel Voss [Change] § 21 Motion for a resolution [By] 21. fordert den Gesetzgeber der EU auf zu verhindern, dass Mitgliedstaaten gesetzliche Lizenzen zur Entschädigung von Rechtsinhabern für den Schaden einführen, der ihnen durch eine Handlung entsteht, die aufgrund einer Ausnahme zulässig ist; 21. schlägt dem Gesetzgeber der EU vor zu prüfen, ob Mitgliedstaaten Maßnahmen zur Entschädigung von Rechtsinhabern für den Schaden einführen sollen, der ihnen durch eine Handlung entsteht, die aufgrund einer Ausnahme zulässig ist;Or. <Original>{DE}de</Original>
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Amendment 500 Juan Fernando López Aguilar, Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto, Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, José Blanco López [Change] § 21 Motion for a resolution [By] 21. Insta al legislador de la UE a que impida a los Estados miembros introducir licencias destinadas a indemnizar a los titulares de derechos por los daños causados por actos permitidos por una excepción; 21. Insta al legislador de la UE asegurar una remuneración justaa los titulares de derechos por los daños causados por actos permitidos por una excepción;Or. (Origine ES)
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